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How QloApps feature price entices your guests?

QloApps feature price entices your guests, helps maximize hotel revenue, and builds a sustainable hotel business.

Hoteliers use pricing rules, to optimize prices and stay competitive in the market.

Hence, pricing on the basis of rules is becoming more and more popular.

But, implementing them is not a cup of tea, it requires a lot of effort, and calculations and is time-consuming.

Moreover, there are chances of human error.

Hence, to resolve this issue, we have come up with QloApps pricing rules that autogenerate rules for prices after filling in the details.

It removes all the efforts that are needed for the implementation of the prices for various room types and your hotel can easily charge the right price.

QloApps feature price entices your guests in the following ways

Before applying any price rule, you have to first understand the customer’s mindset and what is happing in the competitor’s market.

Otherwise, chances of successful pricing are not possible.

Let’s now understand how feature price entices your guests.

Customer group based pricing

We also have a feature in which you can sell different rooms at different prices to a specific group of guests.

You can give discounts to a specific group of guests, and charge high or low rates for the room from them.

When guests see you are providing valuable services, they would not be bothered about the price of the room.

You can charge less for your premium guests, or you can give a discount to new guests.

It will make a positive impact on them and leave them with a smile on their face. But make sure you do not degrade your services.

Otherwise, it will backfire on your hotel business. They must feel they are satisfied and happy with your services.

Then only they will visit your hotel in the future and recommend their friends and relatives.

Specific price on the length of stay

Using a pricing strategy, depending on both the arrival date and the total length of a guest’s stay, you will make adjustments to your room rates.

You can predict the market, forecast the price, and charge the price accordingly.

To increase occupancy, you can adjust the price of your room, either based on the maximum duration of stay.

You can also charge a specific price for the hotel room, for any particular day.

Further, you can charge different rates for each night of a guest’s stay.

For instance, If Thursday night is the check-in day and Sunday is the check-out day, you can charge extra for your Friday night alone.

It is because weekend prices are usually on the higher side.

Attracting global travelers

Post pandemic, travelers’ visits are going to be on the rise.

It is more likely that you have a huge demand on your side, with tourists will be visiting your hotel to stay longer and invest more.

Hence, by giving special offer prices, you can tap into this highly profitable international market.

QloApps displays your special offer in the different languages your potential guests speak and understand.

All the exclusive deals are available in various languages.

Ensuring that you don’t have to think about wasting money to drive the brand’s internationalization initiatives.

Leisure travel

Travelers are gradually moving out of their hometowns to take recreational trips in search of visiting new destinations and keeping stress at bay.

They will be visiting your hotel with their family and friends.

Hence, the feature price in QloApps undoubtedly caters to this segment of travelers you don’t want to lose out.

Leisure travelers do not want to compromise on comfort.

Make sure your hotel gives them comfort like a clean room, taking care of minor details, offering pool facilities, if possible.

To make your hotel more appealing, you may allow children of a particular age limit to eat or stay for free.

Immersion travel

The high-income travelers in one study said they would rather spend money on activities than a better hotel room.

Hence, if you want to attract those travelers, you have to give more than just a room.

In QloApp, many promotional deals will help you set the offer for an enjoyable experience.

You can charge a specific price so that guests can experience meaningful people, culture, food, and environment.

Appropriately designed special offers that encourage experiential travel will help attract the attention of travelers who want more than just a hotel space.

It includes the great outdoors to wellness.

Your special offer encourages travelers to schedule an enjoyable experience they may not have previously considered for your area.

Marketing packages

One of the most successful pricing techniques in the hotel industry is to offer packages.

Instead of only offering a room, you might build a unique package at an affordable rate, with extra offers/services.

It makes guests feel they are getting more at less pay.

For marketing purposes, leverage the packages.

And it can achieve additional exposure to viewers who would not have otherwise put the hotel in their consideration set.

Set a target market and align with people visiting your local area.


Personalization is the secret to delighting guests and improving their commitment to the company.

For your visitors, it is most likely second nature for you to add personal touches.

Such as reserving their favorite table, offering them their desired style of space, proposing family-friendly activities for children, and so on.


We can see how QloApps feature price entices your guests by setting different prices for any specific group of guests.

You can charge less for your premium guests, or you can give a discount to new guests.

Further, you can charge a specific price for the length of stay of the hotel’s guests.

You can also charge a specific price for the hotel room, for any particular day.

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If you want to learn about the functionality of QloApps then you can visit this link: QLO Reservation System – Free Open-Source Hotel Booking & Reservation System.

In case of any query, issue, or requirement please feel free to raise it on QloApps Forum

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