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Airbnb Setup For QloApps Channel Manager

Airbnb Channel Manager setup with the QloApps can be synced easily in the given way. Let’s see the following steps:

To add the channel to the QloApps channel manager follow the given method below.

Add Airbnb Channel Manager

From the Main Menu:

After this, the Airbnb page will appear, here you will have to enter the property ID or listing ID in the Airbnb channel.

Authorize Airbnb

Now, you will authorize the Airbnb OTA for adding a channel in the QloApps channel manager.

After that, click on Authorize with Airbnb Account as shown in the above image. Now you will be redirected to the Airbnb login page.

After that, you will be redirected to the Airbnb Additional Terms and Services page.

Select I agree to the Airbnb Additional Terms of Service and click on Allow. Now you will see the Authorization is successful as given in the below image.

NoteAirbnb Channel Manager can only be activated after the successful room type/rate plan mappings for this Airbnb property from Room / Rates Mapping tab after saving this channel details. By default, channel will be in disabled state.
** Enable the channel from the channels listing page after successful Room / Rates Mappings.

After adding the property ID and currency the following fields will be asked as given below.

After that, once the connection is tested user can successfully submit the details for establishing the channel and proceed with mapping.

Room/ Rate Mapping

Here the mapping is done between the QloApps channel manager room type and the Airbnb OTA room type. Additionally, between the QloApps channel manager room rate and the Airbnb OTA room rate.

Note: In the Airbnb channel, Airbnb property has to be mapped with one of the rate plan. Please select the room type and rate plan of this hotel to map the Airbnb property whose id (#Listing ID of Airbnb) you have entered in channel settings.

Whenever Airbnb Channel Manager is disabled from channel listing page, the mapping of the disabled channel will be deleted and have to be mapped again.

Then click on Save Mapping.

Once the channel is added successfully and mapping is done. The channel can be seen on the channel list page.

Note: Airbnb Channel Manager can only be activated after the successful room type/rate plan mappings for this Airbnb property from the Room / Rates Mapping tab after saving this channel details. By default, the channel will be in the disabled state.
** Enable the channel from the channels listing page after successful Room / Rates Mappings.

The property listed on the Airbnb channel is mapped with the rate and inventories. Here, the user can add multiple Airbnb channels in a single property.

From the Actions, column users can edit and delete the channel.

Note: The user can only delete the channel when the Status is Disabled.


The user can synchronize each channel by clicking on the synchronization button.

By clicking on the “synchronization” button inventory, rates, and bookings will get synchronized.

Given processes can be performed by clicking on the Synchronization button.

By clicking on Synchronize button,

Rate Synchronization

Rates of rate plans will be sent to the channel only if this option is enabled.

Inventory Synchronization

Availabilities of room types will be sent to the channel only if this option is enabled.

Booking Synchronization

Inventory will get managed on booking notification from the channel only if this option is enabled. Also, fetch bookings from the channel.

Once you synchronized the channel successfully after that, you can proceed further with Price And Inventory In the QloApps Channel Manager.


This was all from the process of setting up Airbnb for the QloApps Hotel Channel Manager. I hope I was able to clarify it for you.

If you want to launch your hotel website then with QloApps: free hotel booking software you can launch it easily.

In case of any query, issue, or requirement please feel free to raise it on QloApps Forum

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