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What are the ways to delight and attract hotel guests through WhatsApp for Business?

To delight and attract hotel guests, hotels are increasingly adopting messaging services like WhatsApp for Business, Facebook Messenger, SMS.

Moreover, they are also including customer service live chat to communicate in real-time with their customers.

Hotel WhatsApp marketing is the new strategy for hotel businesses to stay connected to a huge number of visitors, thanks to the massive increase in users.

The bottom line is that people enjoy using this mode of communication.

As a result, hotels should carefully embrace this incredible platform to communicate with their guests and promote their hotel.

WhatsApp is the world’s most popular messaging platform

WhatsApp marketing is critical for hospitality businesses that want to reach audiences in developing countries.

If you have a property management system with a database of previous visitors’ contact information.

Then, you should immediately try to enroll your entire database in your text messaging strategy. 

A forward-thinking hotelier, on the other hand, will make certain that all of their guests have enrolled in their communication system.

Obtaining authorization will not only improve your website’s visibility and overall engagement.

But it will also assist you in avoiding future problems that may arise as a result of using information without permission. 

WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp marketing is a form of message marketing in which a brand is promoted via WhatsApp.

This channel assists businesses in reaching a large audience, developing strong customer relationships, and increasing sales.

WhatsApp marketing allows you to stay in touch with your visitors because more than half of WhatsApp users open the app on a daily basis.

Even better, messages have a 98 percent response rate, ensuring that your offers are seen.

WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business is a business-oriented app created by WhatsApp Inc.

It gives businesses a platform to promote their brands, such as new offers, services, products, and promotions, while also staying in touch with their customers.

WhatsApp Marketing Tips for Hotel Businesses

WhatsApp broadcasts are contact lists to which messages can be sent.

They may appear similar to WhatsApp Groups, but the main difference is that duplicate broadcast list contacts cannot see or receive messages privately from each other.

Make use of broadcast lists to deliver effective campaigns.

For example, you could compile a list of all your VIP customers and send them special offers, or you could solicit suggestions from existing clients.

Use this feature to communicate with your audience while engaging with them.

Create a feature for real-time client chat

You can encourage your customers to contact you ahead of time via WhatsApp chat.

They are welcome to ask you any questions they may have or to clarify any doubts they may have.

You can get creative and make pre-check-in videos to help guests understand what to expect when they visit your hotel.

Customizing your message is more than just a nice gesture; it can also help you meet your revenue targets.

Send a Wish to Customers on Special Occasions

If you know when some of your guests’ birthdays or anniversaries are coming up.

Therefore, sending a scheduled text message is a great way to do some intelligent advertising.

Send messages for special occasions such as bachelorette parties, weddings, honeymoons, and corporate events during the guest’s stay.

Hence, it helps create connections and make the guest smile.

It functions as a booking mode

WhatsApp’s platform now includes a payment option.

However, this feature is only available in the personal version, which allows you to send money to anyone on your phone contacts.

It is possible to connect it to the bank account associated with your property. This will help you get quick bookings while avoiding payment gateway fees.

Get Feedback From Visitors

Why wait until a guest has left a review to learn about their experience?

You can send a quick note to gather feedback is an excellent way to deal with issues before they become more serious or to recognize employees who go above and beyond.

Including the guest’s first name at the beginning of a message is a simple way to personalize it and make it feel more genuine, rather than robotic.

Gift Customers Freebie

Everyone appreciates a freebie.

Hence, show your appreciation and provide a memorable experience for your guests by offering a complimentary cocktail, dessert, or travel bag.

The guests will be delighted to receive a pleasant surprise, and the cost of implementation will be minimal.

Even a small freebie can increase guest loyalty and generate positive feedback!

Use WhatsApp Groups Feature

Unlike broadcast lists, group chats allow users to see each other and share their thoughts and ideas with the entire group.

As a result, group chats can be useful in encouraging your users to communicate with one another.

Form a group and share an educational webinar or useful video clips.

Utilize WhatsApp Status

If you’re familiar with Facebook or Instagram Stories, you can do something similar with WhatsApp status.

You can share text and multimedia files, such as images of hotels and their surroundings, with all of your contacts and get feedback.

Moreover, you can share the news on Facebook.

Please note- Status updates on WhatsApp are only valid for 24 hours.

Lots of Other Amazing Things

You can use the WhatsApp marketing campaign to share local news, provide helpful tips, and send personalized messages.

Apart from that, you can do a variety of other incredible things by using your imagination.

The only thing you have to keep in mind is to create something that will both please and surprise your guests.

Try WhatsApp Digital Marketing to increase your revenue

Integrating a text messaging system, such as WhatsApp, can improve real-time communication with guests.

Hoteliers can use on-site advertising stores and discount codes to not only strengthen their relationships with guests and increase guest loyalty but also to increase revenue.

It has a unique place in the business world in this digital era.

Using hotel WhatsApp marketing is the simplest way to stay in touch with your guests around the clock.


We have concluded that visitors who barely have an interest in your website will not sign up.

So, use WhatsApps to make your presence known to the guests.

And let them know that you are only a message away if they decide to leave. 

If you want to learn about the functionality of QloApps then you can visit this link: QLO Reservation System – Free Open-Source Hotel Booking & Reservation System

In case of any query, issue, or requirement please feel free to raise it on QloApps Forum

Moreover, you can raise a ticket to connect with our experts for any assistance.

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