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What tips to follow to re-target abandoned hotel bookings?

Any business cannot succeed if its management does not know how to re-target abandoned hotel bookings.

Retargeting will increase the reservations. Abandonment of a cart is the last thing you want after investing so much in drawing visitors to your website.

Many times it happens that people cancel their bookings at the last minute. So, to avoid that you have to create an impression that stays on their mind.

Hence, you can re-target abandoned hotel bookings after taking a few steps and investing in fruitful measures.

Here, you know that the customers you are investing in have already shown interest in your hotel.

Thus, there is a higher probability of winning a customer back.

Let’s first understand briefly what is abandoned cart and then we will give some tips on how to re-target abandoned carts:

What is Abandoned cart?

An abandoned cart is a term used in the hotel website. It describes a user who displays interest in a hotel room.

Start the booking process but leave the website before completing the booking process.

It is known as ‘cart abandonment’ in traditional retail and e-commerce.

After going through the brief description of an abandoned cart. Let’s have a look at tips to re-target abandoned bookings.

A few tips you can follow to retarget abandoned hotel bookings.

Email retargeting to re-target abandoned hotel bookings

A large percentage of people abandon carts for various reasons.

One of the main reasons for cart abandonment is that people are still comparing and evaluating prices.

And the rates of rooms are falling short of their expectations.

You may use email retargeting to inform customers that they have not completed their bookings.

It is a way to remind your customers of the rooms they have left in a virtual cart but haven’t purchased.

If any offer or discount is available on the room type or hotel, then you can include it in the email to lure the guests.

Send personalized emails to your customers, which shows you value them and will appreciate their presence.

For sending personalized emails, take the information you have about your customers and use it to create relevant, highly targeted emails.

If the customer is new, so you can follow behavioral marketing.

The chances of getting conversions are high because you are re-targeting those customers who already show interest in your hotel with an offer, if available.

Create a Personalised Experience

The majority of hotel guests are looking for a personalized experience.

So, offer packages to guests so that it fulfills the requirements of your hotel’s target market.

Hence, what you can do is create packages that suit the population or segments of your target market.

You can also take the help of other local businesses by creating partnerships with them.

Take details of your hotel guests like their likes, preferences, what they are expecting from their stay, and more.

This way you can understand your guests better and easily create a personalized experience for them.

Moreover, you can use other tactics to compel your guests to book rooms from your hotel.

For instance, use images, videos, that showcase to visitors how you had created personalized experiences for your previous guests.

It assures them you are concerned about their preferences and likings.

Paid-marketing campaigns to re-target abandoned hotel bookings

In paid marketing campaigns advertise your hotel rooms via social media.

Nowadays, around 70% of adults, are using social media. As per the reports of statista the globally 49 percent of people use social media.

So, using it to retarget your customer is a very sensible move for your overall marketing strategy.

Advertisements on social media platforms double the conversions than doing the same on other online platforms.

One of the reasons is this, they are more friendly in terms of branded presence.

The timely popping up of advertisements reminds potential customers that there is a hotel where they can make a booking.

You can choose various social media platforms to market your hotel.

Like, Facebook. It is the first social network to surpass one billion registered accounts and currently has 2.5 billion monthly active users.

Thus, it becomes the most popular social media platform worldwide.

Other platforms are Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat. You can also go professional and target customers on LinkedIn.

On all these share compelling stories that flaunt the enjoyable experiences of your hotel guests on the hotel premises.

Of course, take your guest’s permission before using their images and videos.

On-Screen Prompts to re-target abandoned hotel bookings

On-screen prompts are text or images whose purpose is to prompt the user to click on them and increase conversions.

The most common call-to-actions are buttons or banners.

Thus, making on-screen prompts suitable for your business. You can retarget your hotel customers on the website.

All those carts that are abandoned, you can easily retarget by dropping last-minute prompts.

In this, you can retarget your regular customers by offering them loyalty discounts.

In loyalty discounts, you offer rooms to your regular or we can say loyal customers at some discounted price.

Likewise, if you want you can also give discounts to those who are visiting your website for the first time.

It will tempt them to book the room(s). This method is a proven way to enhance engagement and increase conversions.


From the above, we can conclude what is abandoned cart is and a few tips you can follow to re-target them.

They are sending personalized emails, send packages with personalized, or invest in paid marketing campaigns.

Retargeting provides a way for businesses to attract back clients to their website.

You have to put your energy, time, and money into retargeting those customers who visited your website, add a room to the cart but left the website without confirming the booking.

Those abandoned carts are like warm leads. Don’t neglect them because they will enhance revenues and boost profits.

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If you want to learn about the functionality of QloApps then you can visit this link: QLO Reservation System – Free Open-Source Hotel Booking & Reservation System

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