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Social Media Marketing for Hotels- Benefits

I think it is the time when most of us have understood the importance of social media marketing. But if some of us are still keeping it out from his Hotel Marketing then it is a crime!

We are in 2019 now, so it is the time when social media marketing has become a must. Ergo, I will try to take an account on what are the benefits of Social Media Marketing and How we should do it.

Why We Should Do Social Media Marketing?

There are many reasons for the success of social media as a marketing tool. Social media provide us a platform where we can reach a mass of people in minutes. It is up to us to how much extent we can get profited from it.

So here are some apprehensions about the use of Social Media.

Traffic Attraction On Your Native Website

To bring more and more traffic to our website, we publish content. The traffic on this content can be increased multiple times with the help of social media.

Okay, let us think about that. If you publish an article on your website then how anyone will know about it. SEO is not an instant answer, it can take months or days at least for your post to get ranked.

And no one is going to have a dream about that too.

Sharing your content on social media platforms is an answer.

Brand Awareness

If you are regularly active on social media accounts then it is very beneficial for your brand. People start knowing your brand and also they start interacting with it.

Especially for small hotels. if you want to create a buzz around yourself then do not forget to make a noise on social media. Make brand accounts and pages on various social media platforms and inform people about your various services.

Social Media Is Cost Effective

Social Media is one of the cheapest sources of marketing. It only takes your time and efforts to maintain your social media page. You can play around with any kind of budget.

That is why Social Media is a boon for you.

Result Analysis

One of the biggest advantages of social media marketing over traditional marketing is it allows you to evaluate your efforts and results.

You are provided with the stats which give you insights into how your marketing campaign is going on. You can always check what people are like and whatnot.

Based on these insights you can plan your further steps to be taken.

Increase Your Engagements

Social Media is a two-way interaction tool. You can interact with your audience and hear directly from your guests what they like about your hotel and what they do not like.

So use visual content like images and videos to create an interaction. Apart from you, always ask for reviews and feedback from your guests.

You can also sponsor a giveaway, do a webinar or a live video.

Some Tips

Don’t Be Shy To Go Live

Going live helps you a lot in making a relationship with your customers. You get an opportunity to show your personality and create a bond between yourself and your audience.

Through live streaming, people feel connected which will enhance their trust in your brand. The more authentic your brand, the more chances of bookings.

Ephermal Content

Ephermal Content is basically temporary content that appears for a particular time period and then it disappears. We commonly know it as stories on different social media platforms like youtube, Instagram, and Facebook.

The main purpose of Ephermal content is to drive an immediate reaction from the audience.

Because the content is available for a limited period it creates a sense of urgency in customers resulting in quick responses.

Leverage Influencers And Micro Influencers.

Facebook marketing authority Mari Smith said influencer marketing will be a dominant trend in 2019.

“We’ll see a big growth spurt in seasoned influencers creating successful campaigns, along with a rise in nano influencers (ordinary digital citizens with 1,000 to 5,000 followers),” Smith said. “Brands and businesses will seek proven influencer marketing strategies and especially look for proven influencer agencies.”

Contact Us

We aspire to serve the hotel industry with our product QloApps and in that process, we have taken a step forward by launching the QloApps Forum. So please raise any of your issues on our Forum.

For any kind of technical assistance, just raise a ticket.

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