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QloApps Hotel Virtual Tour |Interactive Virtual Reality

QloApps Hotel Virtual Tour is a useful tool that will allow travelers to interact with your property virtually.

Virtual Reality has the potential to take the hospitality industry to the paramount of success. It is proven to increase the online bookings and hotel revenue.

Hotel Virtual Tour will help the traveler to check out your hotel without actually visiting it.

Evidently, this results in generating trust and attracts the traveler to book your hotel rooms.

Virtual tours are also very useful in decreasing your website’s bounce rate. And ,this not a rocket science, just a simple login to process.

If your website has virtual touring functionality, then the user will spend more time on exploring the hotel.

This will result in people spending more time on your website. Hence, lesser bounce rate.

The benefits of virtual reality in hotel industry is never ending.

So we have made this addon for QloApps websites so that the admin can enjoy the endless benefits of virtual reality and take his part in the future of hotel technology .

So let us check the features of this addon and discuss how this tool works.

Features of QloApps Hotel Virtual Tour

Prerequisite Of Installation

For QloApps version 1.5.0 or less you need to add some hooks to the code.

Before you install the QloApps Hotel Virtual Tour addon you must make few changes in the core for the proper functioning of the module.

The step is very simple, you just have to locate the following paths and replace the mention codes.

Path 1

Go to hotelcommerce/themes/hotel-reservation-theme/ folder and open file product.tpl

Now add the following hook code below line number 123

{hook h="displayRoomTypeImageExtraContent"}
Path 2

Go to hotelcommerce/modules/wkabouthotelblock/views/templates/hook/ folder and open the file hotelInteriorBlock.tpl

Now add the following hook code below line number 27

{hook h="displayInteriorExtraContent"}

Installation Of QloApps Hotel Virtual Tour

The installation of any module is very simple in QloApps.

Now You Have Installed The Module. So Let Us Check The Module Configuration.

Configuration Of QloApps Hotel Virtual Tour

The configuration of this addon is very simple. You just have to decide if you want to show the Virtual Tour option separately as a block, or as button in the interior block or both.


Working of QloApps Hotel Virtual Tour

The best thing about QloApps Hotel Virtual Tour is its user friendly working.

To create a hotel virtual tour is very simple. You just have to select a hotel and start adding images for different areas of the hotel and link them to each other with hotspots.

Let us know check this out in details.

Go to Hotel Virtual Tab –> Manage Hotel Virtual Tour. Now click on Add New Tour to create a tour.

Now the following steps to create a tour.

Select the hotel you want to create its virtual tour

The create Tour interface is divided into two tabs. In the first Information tab you will have to select the hotel for which you want to create the tour.

Start Adding Images for the different parts of your Hotel

Once you have selected the hotel now you have to upload images for the different parts of the hotel. 

For this, you will have click on the Add New Button Image

Now fill the details and upload the image.

Once you have uploaded the panorama images then click on Save and Stay and move to create Hotspots.

Hotspots are used to connect two images. For an example, when the user in touring the hotel and he is outside the hotel.

Then you can create a hotspot on the front gate and link it with the hotel reception image.

So when the user click on that hotspot then he will land on the hotel reception.

This will create a simulation that the user was standing out of the hotel and on a click he enters the hotel.

So to create a hotspot just click on Add New.

Now select a position on the image and select the destination where you want to send the user on the click of this hotspot.

Frontend View

Once you have created all the images for the hotel tour visitors of the website can view the virtual tour.

Now click on a tour to start it. And the tour interface will appear as shown in the following image.

Here is a preview of the Hotel Virtual Tour.


So this was all from QloApps Hotel Virtual Tour. I hope I was able to clarify the add-on in the best possible way.

If you want to learn about the functionality of QloApps then you can visit this link: QLO Reservation System – Free Open-Source Hotel Booking & Reservation System

In case of any query, issue, or requirement please feel free to raise it on QloApps Forum

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