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5 tips to optimize the product page of your hotel website

To optimize the product page of your website is one of the most important aspects of your online hotel business. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to convert your visitors to customers.

And it is very obvious that without a well-optimized product page you will not get success in gaining direct bookings. An effective product page will attract the guests and make them book from your hotel.

Many time when we think about our website and online sales we tend to put all our efforts on the homepage. Yes, the homepage plays a major role. But it the product page which is doing the conversion.

Homepage attracts visitors while the product page converts those visitors to guests. So the importance of the product page is also very high.

And when we try to optimize the product page we just think that high-quality images and description will do the job. Of course, these things hold a great significance but they are enough.

Ergo, in this blog, I am going to discuss some tips to optimize the product page of your website.

Tip 1: Target for a lower load time

A  laggy page can never have a high conversion rate. So you must keep optimizing your page for better load time and fast response.

46% of people dislike the most when their mobile page load slow.  And not only on mobiles, but this trend can also be observed on any platform. The sites that load in 5 sec gets 70% longer session time than those pages that load in 19 seconds.

Ergo, we get that a fast product page is a must. But the question also arises that how we can do that.

We can achieve a speedy product page firstly by reducing the size of the images. You have to be very perticular when uploading room images. Yes, the quality must be good but that doesn’t mean you upload heavy size images.

Then you will also have to check the file type you are uploading because the different file type requires different techniques.

After that, you can compress your Javascript, optimize the CSS and use a CDN network.

All these techniques will help you in boosting your product page speed.

Tip 2: A clear call to action

One of the main catalysts in driving booking conversions is a loud and clear Call to Action.

When we say a clear call to action on our product page then it means that there should be a distinctive “Book Now” or “Add To Cart button”.

Your call to action should be in the form of a button, text links and other forms are not effective. The button should be of the size and color that makes it attention-seeking. But on the other hand, it should go along with your theme also.

A CTA button motivates your visitors to book from your website. So if you want your visitors to become your guests then you will have to ask them.

Skipping this can be fatal as the booking tunnel and CTAs go hand in hand. And a CTA is a transition between the phases in the booking process.

Tip 3: Optimize for different sizes of screen

This is the era of smart portable devices like smartphones and tablets. These devices have just made life easy. The number of mobile bookings is increasing at exponential rates.

So it is very important to optimize your hotel website’s product page for mobile devices. Then google’s mobile-first update has made it almost compulsory.

There are many reasons for this boom in mobile bookings. One of the main reason is the choice of youth. The majority of travelers comprises of millennials. And Millennials’ lives revolve around portable devices.

Then the question arises that we can optimize the product page for mobile devices.

For that, we should start by making our website responsive. So that the website fits every screen size they are viewed on. Your page should support swiping the images. The user can swipe the rooms listed on your website. Then he should be able to do swipe the images of the rooms.

Tap and pinch to zoom feature is also a must. Also, the images should be of the quality that they do not lose clarity when the user zooms them.

Tip 4: Gain their confidence by adding ratings and reviews

Users love to hear from their own. And that makes the ratings and reviews very important.

So take the testimonials, reviews, and ratings from your existing guests then show them on the product page. This will instill trust in you and the positivity for your hotel. Hence, promoting conversions.

Your brand reputation is most likely controlled by your consumers. A happy customer is the cheapest source of marketing.

And the end, it is your service that makes your business bloom. Top-notch services will give you a lot of happy customers and hence a good brand reputation.

Give your happy customer a chance to express their views about your services by showing their ratings and reviews on your product pages.

Tip 5: Upsell and Cross-sell

When you sell the rooms then you must offer extra facilities with it. So on the product page, you can give the customers an option to add facilities like breakfast, extra bed or a bottle of wine with their room.

This will make your product page a single solution for multiple needs of the customer. And also give you a chance of earning some extra revenue.

Then you can also make recommendations to the customer for purchasing other services from your hotel like an airport pickup.

Or you can also upsell by flaunting your premium room types on the product page of average room types.


As it is evident that it is very important to optimize the product page of our hotel booking website. It will help us in generating more revenue in this era where the business is becoming more and more competitive.

Then the feud with the OTAs has acted as a cherry on the top. So this was my take on how we can optimize the product page. Hope this helps out and you like it.

Please drop your views in the comment section, suggestions are also very welcomed.



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