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How to maintain excellent housekeeping in the hotel

The best part of any guest visit is housekeeping. So, maintaining an excellent housekeeping experience for your guest is very important. Every guest wishes to have a cleanroom during his visit.

Clean curtains and bedsheets, spotless floors are very important factors for giving a good impression. An untidy room gives a bad impression to the reputation of the hotel.

It is a tough task for management to check every room manually. Therefore they are depending on their housekeeping staff for this purpose.

It is the responsibility of housekeeping to keeping up the most extreme forms of tidiness and quality. Sparkling clean conditions of rooms pulls guests towards a hotel.

The housekeeping department of any hotel is responsible for all cleanliness. It is important to have standards. You should train your staff to maintain these standards by perfect cleaning.

It plays a very important role in maintaining the reputation of the hotel. For getting repetitive booking cleaning is essential.

It plays a very important role in maintaining the reputation of the hotel. For instance, a guest gives preference to hygiene fo the hotel utmost.

Creating a housekeeping strategy

Having a strategy for your overall cleaning is important. If you do not want to upset your any guest then make a proper plan for your housekeeping.

If you want to boost the efficiency of your housekeeping then it starts with better planning.

Planning for shifts – you should make a plan to how many persons are needed in a shift. It is important to set priorities for every day.

Managers should be quick in decision making. However,late responses and reply to any issue regarding cleanliness will give a negative impact. Give instructions to your staff as any compliment arises.

So in this blog, I am explaining to you for maintaining excellent housekeeping in the hotel.

1 Room design is the primary key of excellent housekeeping

2 Pay attention to every little thing is crucial

3 Showing creativity to improve housekeeping

4 Cleaning hotel step by step

Room design is the primary key of excellent housekeeping

While designing your hotel room you should consider housekeeping. Room design should be in that way which saves cleaning time.

If cleaning will take the time it will make your room empty for more time. So it will affect the revenue of your hotel.

Every fabric, furniture, and fitment gives a cleaner look to a room. If they are well fitted it will give an attractive look. The use of white linen in bedsheets and curtains gives a more clean look.

Use easy to move furniture in your room. Most importantly, lightweight furniture would be preferable. It will easy to remove dust from the closet of movable furniture.

When you will design your room perceive it according to a guest. So considering the material of carpets, furniture weight is vital.

Do not put heavy furniture and fixtures that will create difficulty in cleaning.

Pay attention to every little thing is crucial

A guest is a keen observer of every object of room. he will notice every detail during his accommodation. So prepare a checklist of all work done by housekeeping staff thoroughly.

It is important to mark all the activities one by one. By marking every activity you will be able to see which work is not done.

It is also important to count the overall time spent in the cleaning of the room. Inspection should be done after cleaning of the hotel room.

Provide the right tools to the staff so that they can work easily. You can use technology to know which room needs cleaning. You can tell your staff how much time is reaming in guest check-in.

Showing Creativity for excellent housekeeping

In housekeeping, there should be some standard procedures. But adopting some creative methods is also important.

It manages housekeeping solutions efficiently. It also helps in reducing the budget of the organization. Housekeeping staff implements new strategies and new ideas to do their work.

Management should give incentives to those staff members which comes with a new idea. In short, it will motivate the housekeeping staff.

Technology is very important in handling to boost housekeeping. In addition, it will ease in operations of the staff.

Therefore, they will know where is need for laundry. When guests will checkout.

Cleaning hotel room step by step

Guests expect that you will give a clean room to them. For satisfying your guests on the level of cleanliness you need a better strategy.

Having a standard housekeeping plan helps in cleaning thoroughly. Further, it is the primary key to execute the full operations of the housekeeping department.

In your housekeeping strategy define all the steps for cleaning. Create a layout of the full process of cleaning any bedroom of your hotel.

Open the windows and balcony doors before starting. So fresh air will come into the room. It will kill the smell of any chemical. Remove the bedsheets and put them into the housekeeping bin.

Remove all the rubbish from the dustbin. Dusting all the surfaces of the room. For dusting start from the top and then clean up to the floor.

Remove all the towels and mats from the bathroom. Clean toilets with chemicals. Spray room fresheners after the cleaning of the room. After that, now mark a checklist to ensure nothing is left for cleaning.


So, in the end, we can conclude the need for excellent housekeeping in a hotel. How the housekeeping staff makes and breaks the image of any hotel. They are responsible for cleanliness in your hotel.

By improving your housekeeping you can boost your bookings. New methods and ideas can be implemented very easily. In conclusion, housekeeping can not be undervalued.

By offering excellent housekeeping experience you can encourage guests for rebooking. Form strategies and work on it. However , use of technology will enhance the performance of your staff.

For making an excellent hotel website Qloapps provides a better solution. You can easily manage all your hotel properties. For getting more information write on our forum.

Write our ideas and suggestions regarding housekeeping in the comment box.

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