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4 tips to build your Hotel’s distinctive USP

A Hotel’s USP or Hotel’s Unique Selling Proposition is that facet of your hotel business that sets you apart. This is the feature that your opponents lag. So your Hotel’s USP is one of the primary things that attract guests to your hotel.

We all know that hotel business is competitive. And all the hoteliers are more or less providing the same thing. Everyone is working hard these days to make their services better and better.

So you must ask yourself, “why guests will book my hotel?”

And to answer this question, setting up a loud and clear USP for your hotel is a necessity.


Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Wikipedia defines USP as

A unique selling proposition (USP) refers to the unique benefit exhibited by a company, service, product or brand that enables it to stand out from competitors. The unique selling proposition must be a feature that highlights product benefits that are meaningful to consumers.

Please give special attention to the line “benefits that are meaningful to consumers”.

This means creating the hotel’s USP is not as easy as we are thinking here. We just do not say that okay this unique in my property so this is my unique selling proposition (USP).

We also have to keep the customer’s likings in our mind too. And that makes the process a bit tricky. So let us discuss some points that can help us in defining the USP for our Hotel.

1: Identify and Target the audience

Efforts need a direction to be successful. So the first step in any marketing campaign is defining the target audience.

Different hotels target different guests segments depending on many factors. The different segments in the hotel industry can Solo Travelers, Families, Couples and Business Travelers. All these types of clients have different requirements and that is why they have different choices of Hotels.

Ergo, before you take any step you should first identify your target audience. Check your records, talk to your customers and try to understand your guest behavior.

Then you will be able to understand what can attract your potentials customers.

2: Keep your Customers’ feelings in Mind

Today the market has shifted from manufacturers or service providers to the consumers. Earlier the manufacturers and service providers used to decide the final product and the consumer use to buy it. But today the consumer decided what is he is willing to buy.

So taking the customer’s feeling under consideration will help you a lot.

Whenever a traveler does his research to make bookings for his journey he likes something and dislikes something about your hotel.

You will have to catch these feelings of your customers that what they like in your hotel and what are the factors that make them book your hotel and what are the reasons behind them not choosing you.

It is very important to keep this in mind while creating your hotel’s USP.

3. Never over oblige

Promise only what you can deliver and never overcommit. While making your hotel’s USP do not get carried away as it can be detrimental.

If you fail to deliver what you promised, you will be in great loss. It will eradicate your reputation in the market. And the campaign will result in giving you loss instead of profits.

So analyze your capabilities before you promise anything to the audience. If you get successful in keeping your promise then it will generate trust in mass for your brand. This will be a boon for your brand identity.

4. Always test your draft before finalizing it

No matter how much we research we done or how conscious we were while creating a USP for our Hotel, testing it is always a good idea.

Once you have drafted the one-liner slogan for your hotel’ USP you will need to take the perception of your guests. The aim here should be to understand what will be the effect of your effort on the customers. Will it affect their booking decision and to what extent.

You will need to think from the customer’s point of view and you can also consider taking the viewpoint if your existing customer for a new angle of approach.

Then you can refine your created USP and remove the flaws it had. This will guarantee the success of your campaign to some extent.


Define is a USP for your hotel is like giving the customer a reason to book your hotel. It is the ultimate answers to the question that “why a choose you over your competitors?”

It is what which sets your hotel apart from your competitors.

So these were my top four tips for creating your Hotel’s USP. I hope you like’em. Please drop your suggestions in the comments.

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