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Top social media competition ideas to accelerate hotel marketing

Strong social media competitions generate a significant value of the hotel. It helps to increase business by increasing traffic to the hotel website which improves its online presence.

Ultimately improved online presence facilitates to drive direct bookings. Following are the top tips for social media competitions to accelerate your hotel marketing:


Growing the number of your followers

When you host a competition, then you can simply ask participants to like and follow your hotel social media page or profile to validate the entry.

A better way to expand the reach of your competition is to give incentives to the entrants. You can give them the increased chance of winning by asking them to share the competition on their own accounts, like or tweet about it.

The social media platforms also have the paid ad campaigns. With these ads, you can target the right type of people who are more likely to participate in your competition.


Collect emails from potential customers

One of the most common competition types is Sweepstakes. Such competitions can be used to collect some important details of customers such as name and email address. Ask the participants to enter their names and email to validate their entry.

To attract the customers you can offer them a prize such as a discount on first three days booking or a 50 dollar voucher to the lucky winner.

The advantage of doing so is that you will have your own list of emails from customers. Later you can send promo codes or offers in a follow-up email to the participants who were not the winners.


Encourage your customers to use your hotel’s hash-tag

One more interesting way to engage with your customers is to launch a competition where the participants have to use the hotel has a tag (created by you) in the pictures or any content they upload to their social media accounts such as on Instagram.

To encourage customers you can offer small vouchers or discount codes to people who share content and increase the interaction with it. The rules can be to share the content which includes the hotel hashtag, comment or friends being tagged to it.


Here are some ways to have an effective competition

1.Clearly specify the rules and timeline for the participants

2.Always consider offering prizes that will attract people who fall under your target market.

3.Ask for simple information like name and email. Avoid asking too many details as it will only push them away.

4.Nowadays the social media is filled with zillions of content. So to make your competition more visible use good visuals to make it look different and attractive from other content.


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