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5 Tips to dodge SEO issues during website redesign

Do you think that after the new design your website traffic is going to increase? Then, my friend, this is not the case always. And that is why I am discussing some tips to dodge SEO issues during the website redesign

It is true that some websites’ traffic falls after implementing the new design. There can be several reasons behind this like like redirects, missing pages, and domain issues.

The fall can also be because of the changes in content or the changes in the sitemap.

So when you are redoing your website it is important to understand your website’s relationship with the search engines. You do it to improve your SEO and traffic while retaining the current one but that does not happen many times.

Now decreasing traffic leads to lesser bookings on your hotel booking website.

So this is an issue that demands immediate action. So here are 5 points that according to me you should keep in mind.

Special attention to keyword strategy

While redesigning your website you need to give special attention to your keywords. Because you are going to make some new pages, change some content so it is obvious your keywords will be affected.

Now this will have a great impact on your SEO.

So you will have to keep a watch that you affect your changes are bringing on your keywords.

You also have now the chance to optimize your keywords. So that you can increase the traffic that you intend.

Include some new long-tail keywords to your pages which will give you more chances for ranking.

Content optimization

When we are redoing our website we have the best time to optime the content also. But instead, we do the harm.

We have to understand that each and every page gas meta tags. So when redesigning our website we lose these meta tags. This becomes detrimental to website traffic.

So while redesigning the website take care of these meta tags. Right proper headlines and description.

Then apart from that, you have the chance to make your content even better. So go through your content right better content.

If there are bigger paragraphs then break them into smaller ones. If you have a hard vocabulary then make it a bit subtle so that your content is for everyone to enjoy.

Keep SEO in the process from the beginning

The whole redesigning process will be done in collaboration with the SEO team. When both the teams will work in synchronization then the chances of messing up decreases.

Although, if you are outsourcing the job to an expert team then they have an SEO team working with their designing team.

These days the design of your website and SEO go hand in hand. The better the design of your website the better ranking chances you have.

And that maybe one of the reasons you decided to redesign your website. So why leaving SEO out while doing it.

Implementation is the most tricky part so be careful

Before implementing the changes take the back up of your website URL structure. There are several tools that create your website’s sitemap. This will prevent any mishappening.

Then it is very obvious and understood that you must be doing all the changes on a dev server or a staging URL and not on your main site.

Once the changes are done, you just implement it on the main site. By this method, your site does not go down for more than a few minutes. And if any happens then it happens on the dev site, not on the main site.

Once the changes are done check the robot.txt files and submit the new sitemap to the console.

Then run the tests to check out the performance of the site.

Use 301 redirects

While making a new design the ideal way is you retain the existing URL structure. But that is not possible all the time.

So when there is a change you need to redirect the old URLs to the new ones.

Improper placement of URLs is one of the main causes of decreased traffic. And it is obvious while redesigning the website some of the URLs will be moved permanently and some temporarily.

So you need to use 301 and 302 redirects. 301 redirect tells the search engine that the URL is permanently moved and 302 is temporarily moved URLs.


It is very important to be updated. When you thought to revamp and redesign the website you were right. So we do not have to get demotivated or scared that we will lose our existing traffic or we do not want to mess things up.

It is just we have to be a bit careful and take expert help, that’s all.

So these were my suggestions on how to dodge SEO issues during the website redesign

I hope you liked the article. Please feel free to drop your suggestions in the comment box.

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