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Qloapps Version 1.0.0 – New features

Qloapps is now equipped with many new fantastic features to give you more control over your hotel website and to enhance guest experience.

1. New Elegant Feature Of Landing Page

The landing page is one of the most important aspect for any hotel website. That is because the customers will visit your website before coming to your hotel.

Its about giving them the reasons to book directly with you. So you can impress your online customers through a beautiful landing page with high resolution images of your hotel rooms, amenities and facilities.

That’s why we have renovated the look of our Qloapps so that you get opportunity to convert your online visitors to customers.

Now lets have a look at what new additions are made to the landing page :

Interior Gallery

Front-end View

Now below the header there is a slider where you can upload and show the stunning images of your hotel interior.

An image slider amplifies the look of a website. In this way customer will be able to view more images in one place and they don’t have to waste their time to scroll through different pages.

When a user clicks an image in slider the full view of image appears.

Back-end View

You can manage the whole Hotel Interior slider from back-end. From the back-end you can add and edit the block’s title, description and images.




Front-end View

Nowadays they want more than just a room, so amenities play a great role to enhance your customers’ stay. By showing the images of all the luxury they can have in their rooms you can prompt your customers to order those amenities. In this way you’ll make an extra income and in return create a great hotel experience for them.

Back-end View



2. Order Edit Feature

The Order Edit is yet another incredible feature of Qloapps.

Through it you can do the following from back-end :

A. Reschedule booking dates of any confirmed order.

B. Add a discount to existing order.

C. Add rooms if requested by customer.

D. Reallocate rooms on customer’s demand.


3. Booking Restriction Feature

At times you require to set a deadline for booking rooms. In the Order restrict configuration tab you can set a date to restrict customers to book room past that date.

4. Google Maps

There are many benefits of having Google Maps on your hotel website :

A. Increases the online visibility of your hotel. How? If a customer searches for a hotel in your location then there are high chances that google will show your hotel data in its search results.

B. It intelligently provides directions to your customers, so they can easily navigate to your hotel.

Front-end View

Back-end View

In the Back-end you get the following options to:

A. Activate/Deactivate display of Google Map.

B. Add Google API Key of your hotel.

C. Activate/Deactivate display of Google Map for Active hotels.

5. Review Settings With More Options

In today’s internet savvy world the reviews are like the digital recommendations. Having good reviews on your website increases traffic and encourages customers to book rooms at your hotel.Through the feature rich Review system you can control the following settings :

A. Allow an employee to Allow/Disallow to validate all reviews.

B. Allow/Disallow guest reviews.

C. Approve/Delete reviews.

D. You can create Review Criteria with star ratings.

Front-end View

Back-end View


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