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QloApps Single Page Theme

QloApps Single page theme works best for the website if you have a single hotel.

As theme plays a vital role in the day to day hotel business. Any attractive and easy-to-use theme can attract your customer and convert them.

So it is directly affecting your conversion rate.

QloApps Single Page theme provides many solutions for the single hotel owner to increase customer bandwidth.

In QloApps Single page theme the user can see all the important details like room type and amenities on the home page.

As it has a lightweight and simple user interface it works seamlessly.

Now let’s discuss its features of it:


Installation of QloApps Single Page Theme

Front End Of Single Page Theme

This is what the home page of QloApps Single Page theme looks Like.

Now let’s discover each section one by one of Single Page Theme.

On the home page of the theme, users can change the language and currency of the website.

From here user just needs to enter the Check-In and Check-Out . Then just search the room.


Here on the home page, the room types are given the details with the amenities and the occupancy.

The occupancy details are mention for adults and children.


Here the hotelier can manage the gallery. They can add and edit the images on the home page of the hotel website.

These images attract the visitor what kind of experience our customer is having.

Click on View All to go to the gallery of hotels and view all the images.

Room Type Overall Ratings and Review

On the room type page, the visitors can see the review and overall ratings from the past customers.

As well as, the review is in text messages and images.

Here users can give the ratings from the 5 star and fill the review for the room type.

After that, once you add the room type in your cart and proceed to book.

The user interface is so simplified that all the details can be seen in one view.

On the Check out page, the details of the customer and the bookings are in separate independent sections.

This gives more clarity to the user to read the booking details.

When the user will select any of the payment methods the payment gate will appear.

This page is also user attractive and simplified.

The user can change the currency for processing the payment.

Order Confirmation Details

The user can see the details of all the bookings done by them in the new user-friendly theme design and interface.

Order History

To view the all past orders and order details:

Here the list of all past orders will appear. When the user clicks on details one single consolidated window is there for knowing the order history

This makes this theme user-friendly in that all the details of the order for different room types are given on one single page.

My Account

It has a new look and design for the customer account page and sub-pages.

Single Page Theme Configurator

The Single page theme configurator is the module used with the QloApps Single Page theme. This is useful in setting the header image brightness value.

Go to QloApps Backend.

Go to Module and Services

After this search the module Configurator. Then the user can see that Single page theme configurator will be in the module list.

After that, the user can configure the brightness of the header. Then click on save.

For example, here is the view when the brightness is set to 12%.

Contact Block

Contact block is the module used with Single page theme module. It is used to update the contact information on the home page website, built over a single page theme.

To Configure the Contact Block.

Go to QloApps Backend.

Go to Module and Services

After this search the module Contact. Then the user can see that the Contact block – QloApps One Page Theme will be in the module list.

When the user clicks on Configure configuration page will appear. Here user will update the email id and the Telephone number.

Then click on Save.

Updated contact details will get display on the front end. for more see the given image below.

QloApps Room Images for Single Page theme

This module is useful to manage the images in the photo and the gallery of the website.

Here the user can upload the image and change its sequence of it.

To Configure the QloApps room images- Single Page Theme.

Go to QloApps Backend.

Go to Module and Services

After this search the module. Then the user can see that QloApps room images- Single Page Theme will be in the module list.

Click on Configure. After that, you can configure the images as given in the below image

After this, the user can see that the images are in the same sequence in the frontend as set in the backend.

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If you want to learn about the functionality of QloApps then you can visit this link: QLO Reservation System – Free Open-Source Hotel Booking & Reservation System.

In case of any query, issue, or requirement please feel free to raise it on QloApps Forum.

Moreover, you can raise a ticket to connect with our experts for any assistance.

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