QloApps Mangopay Payment Gateway
QloApps Mangopay payment gateway is an add-on that enables clients to pay through the Mangopay payment gateway on your website.
Customers can make payments via credit cards, direct debit payments, and bankwire once you install this module. It enables the admin to directly take payment by credit card on his website or redirect customers to the payment page of third parties.
This module will allow the admin to transfer the balance through the payout process from the wallet to bank accounts. And an admin may also have several mangopay wallets.
The admin would be able to handle the refund process. Moreover, it increases the accuracy of the refund process and the amount will be refunded to the end of the customer with one click.
In addition by this module, the admin can give assurance of security regarding payment methods to customers by adding a payment gateway (mangopay) on his website
- Admin can take payment through the payment gateway
- Admin can take payment through bank wire.
- The administrator can take payment through direct debit.
- A customer can redirect to the third-party page when paying through the card or can pay without redirecting to the third party page as set by the administrator.
- Admin can view transaction details on the Mangopay account.
- Wallets will be generated at Mangopay end as per the currency selected in the “allowed currency”.
- A single user may have multiple wallets.
- Enable/disable fields to delete Mangopay data when the module gets uninstalled.
- Admin can add multiple bank account details.
- Admin will have the option to deactivate their added bank account details.
- The admin can refund the wallet amount to the PayIn/customer wallet.
- Using the “Mangopay Payout” tab, the admin can move the wallet balance to their account.
- The administrator can choose any of the added accounts for the payout process.
- Admin can manage refund as well as payout process.
- The available wallet amount will be shown to the admin on the payout tab, as per the authorized currency chosen in the configuration.
- Admin can use the module for sandbox(test) mode or production(live) mode.
- The admin can view the list of all transactions made with the Credit Card, Direct Debit, and Bank Wire.
- The full/partial balance can also be refunded from the Payin wallet to the client account by admin.
The installation of any module is very simple in QloApps.
- Go to the Module and Services tab
- Click on Add New Module
Now upload the Zip file of Module and click on Install
Configuration Of QloApps Mangopay Payment
After the successful installation of the module, click on the configure. So it will redirect you to the configuration settings.
After clicking on the configure button admin will see the following page.
When the admin clicks on “Save & Generate Mangopay User,” a user will be generated at the end of Mangopay with the wallet in the selected currency while the user is generated.
For a customer, Admin will create different wallets based on different currencies. A single wallet can be created at a given time.
Mangopay Card Payment
Customers will have the option to pay via credit card by allowing this option.
Mangopay Direct Debit
In this payment option, the customers can fill their bank details for the payment if enabled by the admin.
Mangopay Bank Wire
In this payment option, the customers can pay directly by transferring the amount to the admin’s account.
Order Status for Transfer
Admin can set the order status on which the money will transfer from the customer’s wallet to the admin’s wallet.
Mangopay ‘Card Payment Type’
Admin will have two types of Card payment-
- Direct Payment– Without redirecting to the third-party page, the customer will pay.
- PayIn Web– The customer will be redirected to the payment page of the third party.
Here admin will see lists of all mangopay users.
And after clicking on any user you will be able to see all his details.
You will be able to see your wallet balance and other information by clicking on wallets.
Front end workflow
After the installation and configuration of the module, the customer will get the following three options to pay by the MANGOPAY payment gateway.
- Payment Gateway
- Bankwire Payment
- Direct Debit Payment
In Card Payment, the admin will have two forms of payment, i.e. Direct Online Payment and PayIn.
If the form of payment is set as “Direct Payment,” the customers will not redirect the payment to any third party website.
When customers select Mangopay Payment gateway and admin set direct payment type, in this case, they will see the following page.
On selecting the option of Mangopay bank wire payment, the customer will see the option of confirming the order.
If customers choose payment by direct debit payment by mangopay, they will have to fill in the following form with their account details.
When the customer fills the information in the above field and clicks to confirm the order, he will redirect to the confirmation page below.
Backend Configuration Settings
At the backend, a customer will see different types of options to manage mangopay payments.
On clicking mangopay bank details tab following page will be open, then clicking on add new account admin can add a bank account details.
After this following page will appear to enter the bank details.
Admin can also deactivate an added bank account.
Manage credit card payment
In this tab, the admin will see all the transactions that have been occurred by MANGOPAY card payments option. And he can also manage the refund process from here.
By clicking on view, the refund management page will open to refunding the amount.
So in this way, the amount will refund to the customer’s wallet successfully.
Mangopay Direct Debit Payment
Admin will see all the transactions that have been occurred by MANGOPAY direct debit payment. And he can also manage the refund process from here.
Admin will be able to manage the refund process in this module once the direct debit payment is accepted.
Mangopay Bankwire payments
In the Mangopay Bankwire payments tab, the admin will see all the transactions that have been occurred by MANGOPAY bank wire. And he can also manage the refund process from here.
On clicking on view admin will see all the details of bank wire payment and its status.
When the admin accepts the bank wire payment from mangopay , then he will get an option to transfer the amount into his wallet.
When the admin gets the balance into his wallet then he will be able to manage the refund and he can refund this amount into the customer’s wallet.
After clicking on the refund amount will be refunded into the customer’s wallet.
Payout process
By using this module the admin can also transfer wallet money to his bank transfer. For this, he will have to go into the Mangopay payout tab of Mangopay payment.
When the admin clicks on payout then the payout process has been created successfully.
Hence this was all from this module. I hope I was able to explain all the functions of this module.
If you want to know more about the functionality of QloApps click on this link https://qloapps.com/qlo-reservation-system/
If you have any queries or for getting more information write on our forum.