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Promotion of your hotel by employees engagement

Employees are at the frontline for any hotel. They deal with customers directly. Therefore, they play an important role in the promotion of your hotel.

Your employees are the biggest asset in any business. They are well aware of the needs of the consumer. The employee is not only your worker but also an ambassador of the hotel.

They directly interact with your guest. So they play an important role in making and breaking the image of your hotel. Your staff knows how to deal with guests.

Employees observe the activities of guests so closely. Therefore, a hotelier can ask them for new ideas while forming a marketing strategy.

Employees encourage guests for writing positive reviews on their websites.

You pay them so use them to market your hotel too. Employee involvement is surety to improve the marketing campaign. It is very helpful in managing the budget for your marketing.

Here are five ways to involve your employees in your marketing efforts.

1 Put employees on the front line in Promotion of your hotel

2 Allow staff to speak to customers on their level

3 They can encourage guests to write review

4 Ask employees for ideas

5 Give incentive to your employees

Put employees on the front line in promotion of your hotel

Your front-line employees are directly reflecting your business. Their performance and behavior is influencing the overall business results

Engagement of your employees with your brand is very necessary. Your employees should take participate in every promotion effort.

They should engage in your social media campaign. Their online engagement is very essential for your hotel. Your people are your brand ambassador.

If everyone is engaging and sharing some content it will increase brand image. You will see overall engagement is very high. Social media platforms are the key to online marketing now.

Your staff can post about their experience while working in your hotel. Some posts can be regarding an interview with any guest.

In the following ways, an employee can engage with the brand.

Social media engagement is very important for your employees.

They can form good relations with customers. It is crucial for the growth of your business.

Allow staff to speak to customers on their level

Employees interact with guests more closely. There should not be any type of protocol that binds them. Allow your staff to handle customer queries and problems on their level.

It is the responsibility of staff to communicate at their level with the customer. If your guest gets better service then it is because of your employees.

It is very necessary for employers to understand the guests. At the same, it is also necessary to understand employees.

Your employees observe every guest closely. So if any guest is unhappy then they can inform about it to a higher-level manager.

A staff member meets directly with a guest. If you have protocol then it will be a hurdle in communicating with them.

They can encourage guests to write review

Your staff can play an important in encouraging guests for leaving reviews. However, they cant write reviews. they have to follow some protocols.

An employee will assist any guest during his stay in your hotel. So a guest connects itself with him very closely. Then it is easy for your staff members to encourage them for leaving reviews.

They can tell your guests about your different social media platforms. If your hotel has any hashtag then tell them about it also. Encourage them to post stories with that hashtag.

A hotel website with positive reviews attracts guests more. So your employees can help you in getting reviews.

Ask employees for suggestions in promotion of your hotel

Suggestions are very crucial in making improvements. Your employees can suggest new ideas regarding the marketing campaign.

Putting a suggestion box is a very good idea. Anyone can drop his suggestion without disclosing its name. They can also drop any complaints regarding any hotel policy.

You can get many creative ideas from them. Never reject any idea without discussing it. If you do not give importance to staff ideas then they will soon lose motivation.

Your employees may stop suggesting new ideas. Because you are only rejecting their opinions. Then it is important to give value to their creative ideas.

Give incentive to your employees

Everyone gets motivated by monetary expansion. Hence a hotelier can also encourage its employees by offering some monetary incentives.

Recognition and appreciation are very important in keeping the morale of the staff.

Senior managers should listen to their juniors. There should not any type of partiality.

It is important to give challenges to your employees. So It will be helpful in their growth. When they are able to meet those challenges you can give rewards to them.

If your employees are satisfied with their job they will work more efficiently. A happy employee will market your hotel. He will earn revenue for it.

An employee is a part of that brand where he is servicing. He gets recognization because of that brand. So he will definitely work for the brand.


In the end, we can conclude about the importance of employees in promotional activities. They are a very crucial asset to any hotel.

Hospitality is about service, and service is about people. Hoteliers know that a memorable experience depends on employees. So focus on their training and enhance the guest experience.

The employees can engage with your social media campaign. Hence they can encourage guests to write positive reviews about the hotel.

Your staff represents your hotel. They work as an ambassador of your hotel. Their engagement in any campaign is vital.

If you are in need of a hotel website then try QloApps. It launches a very beautiful hotel website. So you can manage your hotel properties and bookings.

For more information regarding QloApps, write on our forum.

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