How To Reduce Bounce Rate Of Hotel Website?
How to reduce bounce rate of website? This question comes to mind of every hotelier who is running the hotel website and managing the booking form there.
If there is low sale conversion from the hotel website, fewer bookings, and less number of visitors on your website, all this is due to a high bounce rate.
What is Bounce Rate?
Bounce rate means if any visitor visited your website and leaves the website from the landing page without visiting any other page. This is termed as bounce rate.
According to Google Analytics, bounce rate is defined as:
A bounce is a single-page session on your site. In Analytics, a bounce is calculated specifically as a session that triggers only a single request to the Analytics server, such as when a user opens a single page on your site and then exits without triggering any other requests to the Analytics server during that session.
If the bounce rate is high then it is signifying that website visitors are not getting relevant information on the website, for which they are looking. As well as, the website needs improvement so that it can engage and attract visitors.
Reasons For High Bounce Rate
Before knowing how to reduce the bounce rate of a website, firstly we will know what are the causes of high bounce rates.
Poor Navigation
Poor navigation results in a high bounce rate. When visitors do not find the proper tabs and links to search inside the website.
Unclear Content
When the content is difficult to understand and the visitor finds it irrelevant. In other words, when the visitor does not understand the content of the website then the bounce rate will increase.
The Website Is Not Responsive
Nowadays most people access the website on their tablets and mobile phones. As it is handy and easy for them.
If your hotel website page is not mobile and tablet friendly and one can not view the website on screen then visitors will leave the website.
High Loading Time
High loading time means when any visitor is accessing the website and the ending page is not loading. If it takes too much time then visitors will leave the website.
Error 404
If anyone visits the hotel website and found the error 404 then definitely visitor will leave your website.
The error 404 means any requested URL is not found on the server.
Methods To Reduce Bounce Rate
If you want to reduce the bounce rate of the website then there are multiple ways of it. The good bounce rate of any average website is 47%.
This value of a good bounce rate varies with the mobile, laptop, or any other device. Now let’s discuss the methods for improving the bounce rate:
Use Short Content And Images
The content of the website should be brief and specific. It should not be in detail, it is advised that long sentences in the content make visitors feel bored and the time taking.
Write the content in short and point-to-point with clear meaning and simple language. Along with this try to use infographic images, graphs, and maps (if needed) on the website.
This will tell the information to the visitor in one sight and scrolling. Images catch the eyes of the visitor and keep the customers engaged with further sessions.
Avoid Multiple Offers
It will be suitable if you don’t use multiple offers, discounts, and coupons on the landing page. This is because if more than one offer and discounts are available on the landing page it will distract the customer.
This will make customers confused about which one to avail of and which one not.
Make Booking Process Simple
To reduce bounce rate of website, especially of the hotel, try to make the booking process simple and easy. If anyone on your website is visiting for the room booking, then they should find the room booking process on the landing page only.
The customer can easily add the room and do the online payment for the room booking. The poor payment functionality is also one of the reasons for losing customers.
After that, there should be one popup message for the confirmation of the room booking. It works like an acknowledgment to the customer that the payment is successfully done and the room is booked.
Show Exit Message
When any visitor of your hotel website is leaving the website display a popup message like ” Are you sure to exit the page say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ “.
Advantages Of Reducing Bounce Rate
There are many advantages to reducing the bounce rate. A few of them are discussed below:
Increase In Sale
When the navigation of the hotel website is simplified, then customers can easily book the room and other facilities too.
The people do not face any kind of difficulty while booking the room from adding rooms to making payment.
When people see the payment process is simple and easy then people will do the booking from your website. They will not move to any other portal for booking the room.
Profit In Hotel Business
When the customer will not leave your website then the sale will increase. The website will engage the customer. So the sale will increase of the hotel.
Therefore the profit will eventually increase.
Brand Formation
When the sale increases and the hotel will gain profit then the brand will form. The customer number will increase, and the positive feedback too will increase.
Therefore, the brand formation will take place.
Key Take Aways
To reduce bounce rate of hotel website by easy page navigation and simple content will engage the customer.
Hence the customer easily can book the room for themselves this will give profit to the hotel business and results in brand formation too.
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That’s all for “How To Reduce Bounce Rate Of Hotel Website?”
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