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How to Perform the Break Even Analysis for Your Hotel?

A financial method called break-even analysis helps companies analyze their financial status. It helps them figure out how many rooms they must sell to recover their expenses. 

Let us discuss how you can perform this methodology for your hotel. 

Terms to know!

Fixed Costs

Fixed costs are the permanent expenses that hotels bear regardless of the number of units sold.

These expenses include salary, rent, and many others.

Variable Costs

Variable Costs refer to all the expenses that vary according to the number of units sold. 

Laundry, meals, and cleaning supplies are some of these expenses. 

Contribution Margin

The contribution Margin refers to the difference between the unit price and the variable cost per unit.

You should know your fixed costs, variable costs, and unit pricing to perform this analysis. A hotelier should try to control the costs of hotel operations to have a balanced break-even point. 

Once you have this information, you can figure out where you’ll break even.

Types of Break Even Analysis

There are two types of Break Even Analysis: 

Unit Based Break Even Analysis 

It determines how many units of rooms hotels should sell to make a profit.

The formula for unit-based break-even analysis

Break-even Point (units) = Fixed costs / (Unit price – Variable cost per unit)

Dollar Based Break Even Analyses

It determines the minimum amount of income a hotelier must earn in dollars to break even on the hotel financial statement. 

The formula for dollar-based break-even analysis

Break-even Point in dollars = Fixed expenses(costs)/ Contribution margin per unit.

Case Study 

Let’s take the case of a hotel:
The fixed cost of the hotel is $100,000 per year. 

The variable costs of the hotel rooms are $50 per room. 

The average room rate is $100. 

The hotel’s unit-based break-even point is:

Break-even point (units) = $100,000 / ($100 – $50) = 2000 rooms
It means that the hotel needs to sell 2,000 rooms to break even.

The hotel’s break-even point in dollars is:

Break-even point (dollars) = $100,000 / ($100 – $50) = $200,000

Therefore, for the hotel to break even, it has to bring in $200,000 in revenue.

Points to Consider While Performing the Break-Even Analysis for Hotel

Keep the following points in mind while performing a break-even analysis for the hotel: 

Use Historical Data to Calculate the Fixed and Variable Expenses

Using the historical data for calculating the will help you determine your break-even point more precisely.

Consider Demand Fluctuations

Break-even points change from peak to off-peak season. Therefore, consider the changes in the hotel’s demand while performing a break-even analysis.

Dont forget to Consider Shifting Expenses and Pricing Model

Your break-even threshold will fluctuate as your expenses and pricing do.

Financial Statements you can use to Perform Break Even Analysis

A hotelier can use various financial statements to perform the break-even analysis of their hotel. It helps to assess the success of a hotel business. 

Some of these financial statements are:

Profit and Loss Statement

This document lists all the revenues, costs, and profit or loss for a hotel for a certain period.

Break-even analysis uses the information from the profit and loss statement to determine the point at which a business’s total revenue equals its total cost, resulting in zero profit and loss.

Cash Flow Statement

This document displays the inflows and outflows of a hotel’s cash over time.

It also provides valuable insights into the hotel’s financial state to complement break-even analysis.

Balance Sheet

This document lists all assets, obligations, and equity of the hotel at a specific period. 

It is an important financial statement that complements the break-even analysis. 

The balance sheet offers insights into a company’s financial position at a specific point in time.


Hotel Break Even Analysis is a powerful technique that helps make informed decisions about pricing, marketing, and personnel.

Hoteliers may raise their chances of success in this competitive hospitality sector by learning their break-even points and margin of safety.

Connect with us!

QloApps is a Free hotel reservation software that provides you with Property management software, a booking engine, and a booking website. 

You can download QloApps and start using this cost-effective and user-friendly software. 

It will help you perform your hotel operations efficiently. Moreover, it will build your hotel’s brand image. 

If you have any other points of discussion, then please connect with us on our QloApps Forum.

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