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How to efficiently use Revenue Management System

In the hotel industry, the swinging demands, market trends and guests’ behavior are always evolving. To sustain in this industry and have a competitive edge, you have to focus on the Revenue Management System. In this blog post, we will learn how you can efficiently use the Revenue Management system for your hotels.

What is a revenue management system? 

Revenue management is an approach to predict and understand customer behavior and determine pricing strategies. It is the approach to using real-time data to make an informed decision that ensures the right services and products are delivered to the right customer at the right time. 

When it comes to the hospitality industry, revenue management emphasizes maximizing the room revenues by analyzing the room demand and then adjusting the prices.

To simplify this process, the hoteliers use a digital tool also known as a revenue management system or RMS. 

An RMS is software that uses advanced and data-driven algorithms to track the demands, analyze the market conditions and set the room rates.

Strategies to use revenue management efficiently

As a hotelier, you can follow the strategies listed below to use Revenue Management efficiently. 

Follow Dynamic Pricing:

The practice of changing room rates on the basis of supply and demand is known as dynamic pricing.

So you can increase the rates when the the demand is high to boost your average daily rate or ADR and decrease the rates when is too low to increase the occupancy. In both cases, these pricing strategies will help to improve all the important Hospitality KPIs to enhance the hotel’s performance.

Length of stay restrictions 

One of the strategies to increase your revenue management is implementing inventory control. You can optimize your room inventory through length of stay restrictions. 

Let’s understand this with an example. So if you receive more bookings on Saturday but remain vacant for Fridays and Sundays, You can close the arrival on Saturday or by forcing a minimum two-night stay. It will help you to leverage excess demand to boost occupancy on other nights.

Hotel Market Segment

Hotel market segmentation is a strategy in which, you can group your hotel guests into different categories based on customer behavior and characteristics. 

When your guests are split into different market segments, you can target the guests in a more personalized way. You can offer personalized promotions, and focus on personalized pricing and communications. 

Also, based on your customer segments, you can determine the upsell opportunities that can increase the total revenue and improve the guest experience.

Guest Booking Patterns

Understanding your guest’s booking patterns is another crucial effective revenue management strategy. You can achieve this by paying close attention to your guests’ bookings, and stay patterns and monitoring their feedback from online reviews. 

When the hotel management gets an idea of the guest’s booking preferences and price, they can offer better pricing and booking conditions that will keep them coming back to your hotel and will help increase the hotel’s revenue.

Monitor the competition

While planning any trip, the guests check out your competition for a better deal. So, you always have to keep an eye on what your competition is offering. 

Monitoring your competitors will help you decide what different prices to charge and when to increase or decrease rates. Also, when is the right time to ease the length of stay restrictions to benefit your hotel business? 

You can select 3-5 competitors and keep track of their activities and form your revenue strategy.

Data Analysis and Demand forecasting

To build a successful business, you need to measure your hotel’s performance based on data.

You can predict your business flows by tracking the important key performance indicators (KPI) such as RevPAR, GoPPAR and TRevPAR. 

Also, you have to make sure to analyze historical data, market conditions, booking trends, market trends and seasonal variations. Use this data to form daily projections for the room demand and the average rate.

The forecasts will help you to prepare for the ups and downs in the demand and implement the appropriate planning and pricing strategies and inventory controls. 

Also, you need to be careful about the previous disruptions to travel patterns that we hope do not likely to occur again in the near future.


We all know how important revenue is to sustain your business in this competitive industry. In this post, we have learned about the importance of the Revenue Management system and what are some effective strategies you can implement to use revenue management systems more efficiently. 

Get in touch with us

So, this was all on How to efficiently use the Revenue Management System. I hope you enjoy reading. 

If you are a hotelier and looking for an all-in-one solution for your hotel, Try QloApps –  hotel management software

To learn more about QloApps, check our online hotel reservation system guide.

QloApps cater to all the hospitality needs such as Hotel Channel Manager, Cloud PMS (QloSaaS), 100+ Addons, and many more. 

And, connect with us on QloApps Forum to share suggestions with us. For any technical assistance, feel free to raise a ticket for technical assistance.

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