How to Hotels can leverage the Holidays Season 2019
Holidays ’19 are coming and with them bringing a lot of opportunities for the hotel industry.
This is the most significant time for a hotel. The incoming traffic in the hotel industry is
going to be huge. This year it is expected that the number of travelers this year will be the highest in 15 years.
So messing things at this part of the year is a great loss. As a hotelier, you must have a plan to capitalize on the opportunities to the maximum.
So I am trying to enlist some points that can be useful in the upcoming holidays.
1. Start with finalizing a goal and how to achieve
Okay, until and unless we do not know what we want and how we will achieve it, nothing is gonna work. So the first and most important step is to make a plan.
Things should start with your location analysis. You have to make an analysis that how many travelers are expected in your area. And then you will have to categories these travelers.
You can categories your travelers on the basis of ages and the type of their journey i.e. solo trip, couples and family trip.
Then you have to decide your target if these traveler groups so that you can make targeted marketing efforts.
2. Prepare your hotel to welcome the guests
The second and most important thing is preparing your hotel building. Decorate your building and create such an atmosphere in your hotel so that it appears that a celebration is going on.
You can also have themes in your hotel to create relevancy for the festival.
No matter what we do in the end it is the hotel infrastructure that matters the most. If we try all the marketing efforts and get success in gaining bookings.
But what’s the use of all this when guests are not satisfied.
So go and decorate your hotel and give it a festive color. Your guests should feel that its festival time.
3. Automate few operations
This is the festive season and things are going to get hectic. And on the other hand, you should also get more engaged to the guest that are coming to your hotel.
Your main focus should be providing the best guest experience.
So take the help of technology and automate few operations as per your needs.
Automation is one of the fastest-growing trends in the world. And automated self-service is one such automation that has already impacted our lives to an extent.
And now, it’s the hotel industry going for automated self-service.
You can also use marketing automation as it will you more opportunities.
Marketing has never been more hectic ever before but Marketing Automation can be a remedy.
Thanks to the growing technology we have so many ways to reach a mass audience. But it also means that we have to manage more marketing channels.
And that is why marketing automation is the demand of the hour.
Marketing Automation will ensure that your hotel is market to the right person at the right time and this can change your sales number gargantuanly.
4. Be generous and roll of free gifts to your guests
Gifts are my favorite thing about festivals. And who do not like gifts So bring some smiles on the face of your guests with something extra.
Freebies are also very fruitful for your brand. When your Hotel branded goody travel with your guests to different locations, it will create awareness for your brand.
They add value to your brand and make your guests feel positive for your brand.
And this can be the reason for your customers to talk about your hotel and hence, making them a source of marketing for you.
Apart from that, freebies also encourage your guests to make more visits hence making them loyal customers.
5. Prepare yourself the best content marketing campaign
When I say content I do not mean just written content. You to publish videos, photos, and texts in order to allure the guests.
Publishing images and videos on social media sites and your website will attract bookings. Then with your blogs give the details related to the preparations you have done for the holidays.
Or the offers you are running for the holidays.
Share as much you want but do share. Your content matters the most at this point in time.
Quality content does not just help your business but it has become a necessity to maintain your online presence. Your content makes your online facade.
At the end of the year, we just want to be happy. Many take off from work to spend time with their families & love ones and many just to spend time themselves.
And most cases going on trips is a good option. That is why the number of sales opportunities are on the higher side during the whole period.
So we should not waste and try to make the most out of these holidays.