Hotel Flywheel Marketing: New Approach to Improve Hotel Sales
Hotel Marketing is all about letting people know about a hotel to attract guests and increase hotel bookings.
It involves using several methods to let people know about the hotel, highlight its unique features, and make it easier for guests to find and book a stay.
The aim is to attract guests, increase bookings, build brand understanding, improve guest experience, and boost revenue.
There are several methods to improve hotel sales and the one that needs to come into the limelight is Hotel Flywheel Marketing. Let’s know more about it.
What is Hotel Flywheel Marketing?
As we all know, a flywheel is a heavy wheel that stores energy to smooth out power delivery.
In the same concept, the Hotel Flywheel Marketing concept illustrates how improving customer experience and service can push the growth and performance of a hotel.
The flywheel Marketing model shows a cycle where each positive interaction builds momentum and drives further success.
In hotel flywheel marketing, the goal is to keep a cycle going where you bring in guests, keep them happy, and make them want to come back. Each happy guest helps attract more guests, creating a continuous loop of growth and success for the hotel.
Steps in the Hotel Flywheel Marketing Cycle
1. Attract Guests
The primary step is to attract guests.
In this step, identify and target hotel customers based on their demographics, interests, and travel behavior.
Make helpful content like blog posts, guides, and promotional offers to attract guests.
2. Engage Guests
Personalized interaction helps in keeping the guest engaged. Use information about guests to make your offers more suitable for them.
Also, you can use a system to track what your guests like and dislike and how they interact with your services.
This way, you can interact with guests more personally and efficiently.
Now this step will give speed to your flywheel.
3. Satisfy the Guest
Do things that make guests feel special.
Train your marketing team to be attentive, helpful, and quick to respond to guest needs.
Asking for guests helps in improving guest’s experience.
4. Boosts booking conversions
Make your booking system simple and easy to use which loads quickly. It should be well-integrated with your website so that guests can easily book a room without any hassle.
Also create attractive, limited-time offers and discounts to encourage guests to book now.
For example, if one of your guests is looking for a family trip, you can promote your family booking combo offers.
5. Take advantage of reviews and referrals
Ask and persuade the satisfied guests to give a positive review online.
Also offer referral rewards, like discounts or perks, to guests who refer their friends and family to your hotel.
Why Flywheel Marketing is Better than Traditional Sales Method
As we consider Flywheel marketing as a new approach to improve hotel sales, we also have to know why this marketing method is better than the traditional sales method.
Here are some points why we are saying that.
Holistic Customer Journey
Flywheel Marketing keeps interacting with customers at every stage, building a long-lasting relationship and encouraging them to stay connected and loyal throughout their whole journey.
Traditional sales method often stops paying attention once the sale is made and misses the opportunities to keep them engaged.
Feedback Loop
Flywheel Marketing uses guest feedback regularly to increase hotel revenue and improve guest experience by constant improvements.
The traditional sales method collects feedback only occasionally and does not always use it to update or improve future interactions.
Customer Reviews and referrals
Flywheel Marketing makes happy guests share their experiences about the hotel which helps attract new guests through their referrals and positive reviews.
Traditional sales method focuses mainly on making sales and forget to use satisfied customers to help attract more guests.
Brand Loyalty and Continuity
Flywheel Marketing keeps guests coming back by always offering great value and a positive experience.
Traditional sales method focuses mainly on getting new customers but don’t always work on keeping guests loyal over time and this results in lacking past customers.
Long-term growth
Flywheel Marketing focuses on building strong, long-lasting relationships with customers to create long-term growth over time through reviews and referrals.
Traditional sales method focuses mainly on quick sales and immediate results, without building long-term customer connections or ensuring continued growth which leads to short-term results.
Hotel Flywheel Marketing is about keeping guests happy and engaged for long-term growth.
By continuously interacting with guests, personalizing guest experiences to build a long-lasting relationship, and using their feedback to improve, hotels can build lasting loyalty and encourage guests to come back and recommend the hotel to others.
Unlike traditional sales methods that focus on quick sales, the flywheel approach steady cycle of growth and ongoing guest satisfaction. This leads to more lasting success for the hotel.
Get In Touch
I hope the article helped you understand the usefulness of Hotel flywheel marketing to improve hotel sales.
QloApps hotel management system can make your hotel business easier and more organized.
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