7 Ultimate Guest Nurturing Tactics for a flourishing Hotel Business
Guest Nurturing plays an important part in growing your hotel business. With a proper guest nurturing process you will be able to establish a better accord with your guests.
It helps you to educate, inform and build trust amongst your guests.
With a proper strategy and implementation, you can nurture your guests down the sales funnel and convert them into a loyal customer.
Many times the focus of our marketing strategy is lead generation. And then we become very keen to just convert them by means possible.
But it should not be that emotionless. Whenever we have a guest obviously getting him to book the hotel should be the target but it should be the only target.
We are not going for just a single time thing instead of a long term relation. So let us check out 7 ultimate tactics that can help you in a very effective way.
1. Make the best possible first impression
You never get a second chance to make the first impression. The importance of the first expression is a known fact now.
Now, we have to see what are touchpoints that give our first expression.
We have to take care of the customers at these touchpoints. Some typical touchpoints are the websites, emails, call and direct hotel visits.
You have to make sure that the customer experience on all the platforms has perfection with consistency.
Always reply to the mails, attend all the calls and respond to the online bookings you get. Direct visitors should get a warm welcome.
2. Synchronization of tasks
For a hotel business, you have to be a master of multiple wizardries, one of which is marketing.
We run several marketing campaigns for our business same as the guest nurturing campaign.
All these marketing campaigns like SEO, Content Marketing, PPC and Guest Nurturing should never work in isolation.
They should be well-coordinated and work in synchronization.
You have to make sure that a lead generated from no matter which channel, it is nurtured properly.
The lead has to be converted while ensuring customer convenience and then making him a loyal customer for a lifetime.
3. The omnichannel and multi-channel approach
Deploying a single channel means you are not taking full advantage of the marketing resources present out there.
We have to deploy multiple channels for guest nurturing. Omnichannel and multi-channel both are multiple channel techniques ofter confused to be one.
Omnichannel is an approach providing the user with an integrated purchase opportunity. So that the customer can purchase any point on the internet.
While multi-channel is is an approach to place your product on multiple channels so that the customer can purchase from any of his preferred channels.
4. Proper Implementation of Booking System
Without a proper booking system, your business is incomplete. After all the efforts to get booking it is the booking engine that makes it possible.
If your booking system is clumsy and not user-friendly, you are going to have some serious damage.
Make sure that booking your hotel is an easy process. From searching a room to making the payment the process should be smooth.
5. Do timely follow-ups
First, 80% of sales are made after the fifth call, and second, that 92% of salespeople give up before that.
Follow-ups are damn too important and we do not give them a chance. We have to understand that most of the people do their research way before they actually book.
So when they book we have to remind them of us. So that we always there as a viable option.
But follow up is an art. Do not end up in your user’s spam folder. The frequency should be very optimum not too much and not too less.
2 or 3 follow-ups are optimum don’t overdo it.
6. Run Loyalty Programmes
Loyalty Programmes have probably become one of the most potent marketing strategies for almost every business.
Loyalty Programmes ensure guest retention and to encourage active purchases. They are very effective in creating a relationship between a hotel and its guests.
The tourism industry is becoming more and more competitive day by day because of its potential and new entries and that is it very important to retain you, guests.
They save you from competing on price with competitors as you have the loyalty of your guests. They will pay a bit more but do not exploit it.
And these customers also create a word of mouth for you in the market.
7. Take their final thoughts
Always asks your guests how they feel about their stay. This will give you a chance to make up for any inconvenience caused to them.
This will help you to understand your customers. You can upgrade your hotel with these fresh thoughts. This will give sent out an image that you care for them which will increase trust in your brand.
Guest Nurturing is not a single day process it takes a while to show results. This campaign needs a coordinated effort from the team.
But after all the hard work you will have your reward.
Hope they will help you out. Please do not forget to drop your thoughts and suggestions in the comment box below.
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