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Best Tips to Hire Hotel Employee

Your hotel employee is one of the main reasons behind your guest satisfaction. And as we always say that a satisfied customer is the cheapest source of marketing. Ergo, we can say that your hotel employee also plays a role in your marketing campaign.

The hospitality industry is growing at a high rate, actually 23% faster than the global economy. Hospitality Industry creates a job every 2.5 sec.

So for hoteliers hiring staff is a need and responsibility both.

There is always a better way to do something. So let us discuss the best practices to hire hotel employee.

Search for the best source of hiring staff

You have to be very particular about the source of hiring the hotel employee. You have to analyze the genuineness of the source whether it has the right amount of talent you need or not.

There can many sources to search qualified aspirants like social media, hiring agencies, and even your existing employees.

Referral programmes are on the most effective method of hiring. Encourage your employees to refer applicants and in return, they can earn a referral bonus.

Traits to look for in a hotel employee

The approach you should have during the hiring process

Once my senior said hiring is the most difficult task to perform in a business. I think I kinda agree with him although I have not done hiring myself but, I see the struggle he does on the daily basis just to make the team.

So you must have the right approach during the hiring process.

Before going taking a step and going to the hiring process first be very clear what do you want and what you are looking for.

Make some parameter on which you are going to test the applicant and then stick to those parameters.

Always make interview rounds for the process. Do not do it all alone. Have a team, dedicated team just for hiring.

Give the hired employees a proper induction

Now, when you have hired some of the applicants for your hotel. The next most important thing comes into the list is the induction.

Whether you have hired an experienced person or a fresher, no one can jump into a battleground from day one. There is always a need for some kind of a proper training required.

So design such a programme, share your goals and experience with your newly hired employees and make your team much better.

Make a positive working environment in your hotel

Many times even a perfect staff fail to perform and all your efforts go in vain. So it is very important for you to directly get involved in the day to day operations of your hotels.

Motivate your team members on the daily basis. Bring the personal and work life integration concept into your hotel. and when your hotel staff starts enjoying their work then you will see the result that too in your favor.

Always give a feedback to your hotel employees

Sometimes we do not understand whether our effort is going in the right direction or not so we need a feedback.

A proper and honest feedback gives your employee a direction to advance.

If any of your employees are not doing good then motivate tell him where he is lagging. Correct him and guide him and bring the most out of him.

But if someone is doing great then you should be proactive in thanking him.

Contact us

We aspire to serve the hotel industry with our product QloApps and that process we have taken a step forward by launching the QloApps Forum. So please raise any of your issue on our Forum.

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