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Work From Hotel: The New Hotel Trend

Updated 3 March 2025

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Work from hotel is the new hotel industry trend. This trend came into the picture with the COVID-19 wave.

When people are staying in the hotel and quarantine, they are doing their office work from the hotel. This will allow them to maintain social distancing and they can do their office work peacefully.

In the home, people face a lot of distractions and could not maintain social distancing. That’s why working from a hotel takes a perk in the hostel industry.

The hotel industry is making setups for working employees. They are providing them with the basic requirement for working from a hotel.

Let’s discuss how the hotel industry getting aligns itself with working professionals. Here are the following methods given below.

It is very obvious that one needs the proper setup to work. The hotel management should provide employees with basic needs like tables, chairs, high-speed wifi, and many others.

The hoteliers can also provide a separate working lobby for the working guest where they can have basic amenities like the coffee vending machine with mugs.

All these kinds of working infrastructure make the guests comfortable and easy in the hotel.

Smart technology will be helpful in making the stay of the employee comfortable in the hotel. It is used to make living in a hotel simple and easy way.

Smart technology can be used in the room’s bathroom. It can be used as the automatic ON and OFF for the water heater.

It will also tell you how much energy is consumed while using the water heater. One can place the intercom for emergency purposes.

Smart technology can be used in the hotel room for automatic use of AC. The person just needs to set the temperature of the room and the AC will automatically be ON OFF.

We can also provide a voice assistant for the room. It will take the instructions vocally and follow them. For example, a voice assistant can switch ON/Off the light and fan for you.

In many hotels robots are in use for the sake of better service to the customers. They are used because they are programed and give the most accurate results for repetitive tasks.

They can be used for housekeeping and room service to the working professional staying in the hotel. Robots are useful in serving food to customers or room delivery.

For the guest staying in a hotel, the hotelier provides the room tablet. These tablets are fixed in the room and support limited functionality.

With the tablets, the customer can order their food in the room. And there are multiple videos on the tablet.

These videos are floor maps of the hotel, how to use electric appliances in the room, how to order food in the room,

and COVID safety guidelines like how to wash hands. How to put masks on the face, and many others.

With the pandemic, people become more conscious of their health, therefore, they are looking for workout areas in hotels.

Hoteliers can provide the treadmill or any workout machinery in the hotel room. So that in the pandemic one does not need to move out of the accommodation.

People can do the exercise in the room, and they do not need to worry about their daily workout if they are going to stay for a longer duration.

When contactless is the new trend then online payment is one of the top priorities. Then hoteliers are implementing the facility for online payment.

Their website and booking portals support online payment. Whereas in the hotel the hotelier has a swipe machine for card payment.

This will support the spot payment by the customer to the hotel. These are the secured payment service given by the hotelier to the client.

The internet facility provided by the hotel to the working employees should be secured and safe. There should be no data theft. As there can be any confidential data on their laptop or mobile devices.

So, the internet facility provided by the hotel should be safe and encrypted.

There are multiple advantages to the hotel by setting up work from hotel in their hotels:

Now hotels are preparing themselves for providing working facilities and support to the customer. hotel. This is the way they can recover from the lockdown losses.

Because customers and companies are demanding a hotel for work from a hotel facility.

Henceforth, when they can provide this facility their customer base will increase and they can recover from the losses.

When the customer gets attracted towards your hotel and when they notice all their requirements are taken care of then eventually the customer will increase.

When the customer or the working professional gets all the working facilities, the number of satisfied customers will increase and this will improvise the hotel branding.

When any working person stays in the hotel for a longer time and if they like the hotel they will do the word of mouth marketing.

After that, the customer will get a good review and reach out to your hotel.

Additionally, they can plan for the personal vacation.

That’s all from “Work From Hotel: The new Hotel Trend”.

If you want to learn more about QloApps Channel Manager then click here.

Moreover, if you want to learn about the functionality of QloApps then visit the link: Qlo Reservation System – Free Open-Source Hotel Booking & Reservation System

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