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QloApps Social Login | QloApps Hotel Reservation System

Social Login is an add-on for QloApps. This will allow your users to log in to your website via Facebook and Google accounts.

This is high time now. We can not ignore the power of social media anymore. We all know that any internet user out there has an account either on Facebook or Google.

So allowing the users to use their Facebook and Google accounts to login to your website will not only make the booking process easy but also will increase the productivity of your website.

From the user’s point of view, it is difficult to remember passwords for all the websites that we use.

Hence to answer this need we have brought in front of you QloApps Social Login. Let us understand how this module works and what are its features.

  • One-click registration process.
  • Easy to integrate user accounts into the store.
  • Admin has to provide their credentials for Facebook and Google.
  • Admin has to create Facebook and Google apps.

The installation of any module is very simple in QloApps.

  • Go to Module and Services tab
  • Click on Add New Module
  • Now upload the Zip file of Module and click on Install



For displaying the social login button on the front end you have to add code on the following tpl files:

On yourhotelcommercefolder/themes/hotel-reservation-theme/authentication.tpl


{hook h="displayWkSocialLoginBtn"}

after the submit button having ID “SubmitLogin”.

This is a simple process you just have to copy the hook from here and paste it at the right place. Open the file that is mentioned above and search for the button with id=”SubmitLogin” then paste the copied hook after this button.


After the module installation, a menu will be created in Hotel Reservation–> Settings


Click on this button so that you can configure the module.

To enable the Facebook and Google login tab, you need to provide the Facebook app ID and Google app client ID.

Admin has to create a developer account on Facebook. Admin can create a developer account at

Now admin has to add a new app to his account.





But, the admin needs to make the app live for the public then only Facebook login tab will be displayed at the front end.
Go to settings and provide the email.


Admin will go to status and review to make the app live for the public.


To get the Google app ID, the admin has to create an account on Google Developers console.

Now create a new project. Go to select a project–>create a project.

Now go to Credentials and click on Create new Credentials.

Again go to credentials and select OAuth client ID as new credentials. Select web application and click on create to have OAuth client ID.

Now on create and you will get your credentials.

Now, admin can have Facebook and Google login tab at the front end for login.

This was all from the QloApps Social Login. I hope I was able to clarify the functioning of the module to you.

If you want to learn about the functionality of QloApps then you can visit this link: QLO Reservation System – Free Open-Source Hotel Booking & Reservation System

In case of any query, issue or requirement please feel free to raise it on QloApps Forum

Lastly, do not forget to drop your thoughts in the comments.

Category(s) QloApps Social Login
. . .


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