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QloApps Room Type Label

QloApps room type label is an add-on for QloApps.

It easily makes your room type on special offers/ discount noticeable by its customers.

In this competitive environment, it is important to label your room type to promote and increase sales.

Further, you can customize the label with logo, text font, text colour, background colour.

This way you can impart knowledge of the room type and attract a larger customer base.

  • Set global settings for the label like label visibility on various pages and dimensions.
  • Display labels on various pages like landing page, room type details page.
  • Create as many labels as you want for generating sales.
  • Restrict the labels from applying on a particular room type.
  • Customize label display (font, text colour, background colour) on the room type image.
  • Display label randomly if the same position is set for the multiple labels.
  • Set the validity for displaying the labels.
  • You can also add banner on the landing page to give information about room type.
  • Choose customer group to which you want to show the created labels.
  • Show content along with the label assigned on the product.
  • Assign the labels individually or use bulk action for assigning labels to the particular group of room types.
  • Create label rules for assigning labels to all room types falling under that rule.

Before you install QloApps Room Type Label addon you must make a few changes in the core for the proper functioning of the module.

Note– The following changes are required only if you have QloApps version below than or equal to 1.5.0.

The step is very simple, you just have to replace the mention codes in the following paths.

At path hotelcommerce/themes/hotel-reservation-theme/category.tpl

Add below hook code below line number 64 (may vary)

{hook h='displayRoomTypeListImageAfter' product=$room_v}

It will look like this.

<div class="col-sm-4">
  <a href="{$room_v['product_link']}">
    <img src="{$room_v['image']}" class="img-responsive">
    {hook h='displayRoomTypeListImageAfter' product=$room_v}    //inserted code

At path hotelcommerce/themes/hotel-reservation-theme/product.tpl

Add below hook code below line number 400 (may vary)


It will look like this.

          <div class="room_demands_container_overlay">
    {if isset($HOOK_EXTRA_RIGHT) && $HOOK_EXTRA_RIGHT}{$HOOK_EXTRA_RIGHT}{/if}  //inserted code
</div> <!-- end primary_block -->

At path hotelcommerce/modules/wkhotelroom/views/templates/hook/hotelRoomDisplayBlock.tpl

Add below hook code below line number 40 (may vary)

{hook h='displayHotelRoomsBlockImageAfter' roomType=$roomDisplay}

It will look like this.

<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-6 margin-btm-30">
  <img src="{$roomDisplay.image|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" .....
  {hook h='displayHotelRoomsBlockImageAfter' roomType=$roomDisplay}   //inserted code
  <div class="hotelRoomDescContainer">
    <div class="row margin-lr-0">

The installation of any module is simple in QloApps.

  • Go to the “Module and Services” tab.
  • Click on “Add New Module”.

Now upload the Zip file of module and click on install.

Now you have installed the module. So let’s check how to configure it.

After clicking on configure button you will be redirected to the configuration page.

But you need to go to “Catalog” in that select “Room type label” to configure the module label bulk actions and label rules.

Hence, you can view the configuration page as shown below.

Display labels randomly: If enabled, labels will be displayed at random position if multiple labels have the same position.

Display label on room type details page: Enable/ disable to display label on room type.

The label on the search result page: Enable to display a label on the search result page.

Display labels on landing page: Enable it if want to show label on landing page.

Display room type labels block on landing page: If enabled room type labels block will be displayed on landing page.

Set the dimension of the labels for various pages.

By default, these dimensions will auto-fill while creating a label and it will only display for the image type label.

This configuration will be used when you choose Special Offer rule with QloApps discount label from Label rules tab.

Font size: Set the font size of label.

Text color: Set text color of label.

Background color: Set background color of color.

Font family: Choose specific font style from here.

From this, you can apply label to all the filtered room types.

It consist of following:

Search by room type name: Enter the room type name in which you want to apply label.

Location/hotels: Filter room types location wise or hotel wise

Minimum room type price(tax excl.): Filter room type by entering the minimum price of the room. Tax is excluded.

Maximum room type price(tax excl.): Filter room type based on maximum price. Tax is excluded.

Search: Click on search to search room type based on selected criteria.

Room type name: In the checklist tick out all those room types you want to apply label.

Set label: From here set label you want to assign on filtered room type and location.

Restricted label: In this, you can restrict label you do not want to assign on filtered room type and location.

Rules allow you to add label to massive selections. You can add as many rules as you want to apply label on multiple rooms and room types.

It consist of following:

Select label rule type: From dropdown, select any one label rule type.

Active: Enable/ disable this rule from here.

Choose label: Check the checkbox against the label name which you want to choose.

In the backend, admin can also set label. Go to Catalog–> Manage Room Type.

Click on edit of any room type you want to view details.

On the left hand side at the bottom click on label.

Click on checklist to set or restrict label.

On landing page view label and banner.

After clicking on banner, one can view room types listed on label.

You can view label on room type details page.

This was all from the QloApps Room Type Label. I hope I was able to clarify the functioning of the module to you.

If you want to learn about the functionality of QloApps then you can visit this link: QLO Reservation System – Free Open-Source Hotel Booking & Reservation System

In case of any query, issue or requirement please feel free to raise it on QloApps Forum

Category(s) Qloapps Modules
. . .


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