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Millennial Travelers

Updated 4 July 2019

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Millennials are the most important generation of travelers and the best consumer group for the travel industry. Millennials are the generation that is redefining the way of traveling.

According to Wikipedia

Millennials (also known as Generation Y) are the generational demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years.


Millennials love the adrenaline rush and that makes searching for adventure all the time. From the backyard of their houses to a completely different country they are always looking a new and out of the box experience.

And because of their love for the adventure they prefer traveling over buying something expensive and invest their resources in it.

Millennials are creating more opportunities for business in the travel industry to grow their businesses.


Millennials have been bought up in an era of economic ambiguity. But despite that, member of this generation are well composed in terms of financial status.

Right now, for millennials the employment rates are good and the future seems to be bright. But still, they do not believe in spending extravagantly.

However, when it comes to traveling they do not stop their hand. They spend more each day on trips than other age groups.


The millennials have broken the threshold of race, cultural differences and genders. They want to immerse fully in the local culture and enjoy their type of living the locals live.

This gives them the unique and meaningful experience they search for.


Being the perfect blend of culture and technology, millennials travel for the purpose of idea searching rather than soul-searching.

70% of the millennials travel across the world in search of the new idea which can be implemented in their respective works.


While planning for the trip millennials do not like to take advice from travel agents.

They are largely influenced by their friends or social media.

Approx 87% take their inspiration from Facebook and 97% post their trip experience.


Smartphones and tablets have become an indispensable part of  Millennial lives. They use such devices in all most every scenario.

When it comes to traveling, from research to booking and e-tickets everything is shifting on these portable digital devices.

Technologies like IoT ( Internet of Things ) are bringing in more functionalities to these devices. So it looks like the use of mobile devices will increase in the upcoming days.


Bleisure Travel is rising day by day. The millennials are the largest workforce around the globe and they are mixing the travel for business and travel for pleasure hence, giving rise to bleisure travel.

Millennials are attracted to the mix of work-travel experience. They can easily add some days to their business trip and experience the local culture of the place or for some other leisure activities.


Millennials are the generation which is forcing the travel industry to grow. It might look that this generation is always on phone but generation is well informed.

They are the driving force for only the development of travel industry but for the overall world.


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