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How the wedding season will revive hotel business post-pandemic?

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After unlocking in many countries, the hoteliers hoping that wedding season will revive hotel business.

Before pandemic people host lavish wedding parties with large crowds, but pandemic changes everything.

Nowadays, weddings are about adhering to social distancing norms, fewer guests, proper sanitization.

It is to ensure the safety of everyone at the wedding. Weddings at international locations are not sensible to operate.

Hence, people will choose a domestic hotel for hosting an intimate wedding affair.

Therefore, domestic hoteliers must breathe a sigh a relief as wedding season will revive hotel business and drive revenue.

Wedding season will revive hotel business

Below are the few reasons why hoteliers are keeping their eye on the wedding season.

Last few years we witness people more into destination weddings.

But covid-19 change the old way to host weddings. Now people are choosing domestic hotels to host a wedding.

Venues from farmhouses, banquets, etc. shift to domestic hotels.

Hence, there is an opportunity for local hotels to earn revenue during this time.

Nearly 10% of profits hotels earn are from weddings.

Weddings, no doubt, have been driving revenue and helping in the gradual recovery in the hotel business.

The hotel will see recovery in bookings in the forthcoming months, and the future looks more promising.

Before pandemic, hotels have their on-site catering teams, but pandemic changes everything.

Many hotels don’t have the number of staffs as per requirements.

Hence partnership of hotels with catering services benefits both.

The catering business will take over the full operation of all food and beverage outlets at the hotel.

It gives opportunities for hoteliers to fulfil wedding needs, like taking care of wedding guests.

The catering company’s chef manages the whole process and maintains full transparency.

You will see a boom in your hotel bookings when leveraging these new partnerships.

In close areas, there are chances of spread of the virus due to lack of cross-ventilation.

That’s why people are more demanding the outside venue.

Many couples are planning a day time wedding ceremony, which ignites a new trend, i.e. open-air wedding ceremonies for the day.

Even this idea works well to ensure the safety of guests of other wings of your hotel.

Further, it respects the privacy of guests and ensures adherence to all the social distancing norms and measures.

These norms are made mandatory by the government to host safe and intimate weddings.

To host memorable weddings in outdoors use open show kitchen and bar.

It not only increases guests confidence regarding hygiene and safety. But also add a captivating look to your wedding.

Hence, the chances of more and more wedding bookings in your hotel.

Covid-19 pushing hotels to try and adopt new technologies.

Hotels are providing virtual assistance in the pre-planning of weddings and customization of furniture, food menu and gifts.

It also includes a virtual tour of the hotel, consulting with hotel specialists, exchanging ideas, etc.

They are connected through technology to make sure the preparation is on point, and their customers are happy on their big day.

All these are possible while staying at a place and adhering to social distancing norms.

Covid-19 crises restrict many guests to attend the wedding.

Thus, hotels are live streaming wedding rituals to guests sitting at their home at their request.

These advantages attract people attention who wants to marry at this time of the pandemic.

Hence, wedding season will revive the hotel business.

Are you attending a wedding in this wedding season when the world is, unfortunately, facing Covid-19?

Then you must take a few precautions before attending the wedding to ensure the safety of both yourself and others.

  • Check the rules and regulations of the local area where you are attending the wedding.
  • Don’t attend the wedding if you are feeling low.
  • Maintain a distance of at least 1 meter at the wedding, or wear a mask if not possible.
  • Wash or sanitize your hands frequently. Use tissue paper to hide your mouth while sneezing or coughing and throw it in close lid dustbin.

It includes sanitizing all common areas, wedding areas, washrooms, furniture in the venue, and others, before the wedding.

Hotels hosting wedding must include PPE kits, mask and gloves for all staffs and wear it while serving the guests to ensure the safety of guests.

They must also go through temperature screening before the arrival of guests.

Installing sanitizer at multiple places at the wedding venue to make sure guests and staff regularly sanitize their hands and reduce risk.

At the entry points, thermal screening of guests is advisable to check the temperature of guests.

Moreover, the implementation of sensor-operated doors to enable touchless entry and exist.

Seating arrangements at the venue in structured according to standards of social distancing.

For instance- Round table seating, will cater to four people at a table. Set two tables in a way that they are a few feet apart from each other.

Sanitize food area and kitchen before the wedding.

Cook must follow specific guidelines to procure and sanitize food, and everything involves in the preparation of food.

The chefs must wear safety gear while preparing food for a wedding.

We can see the wedding season in Covid-19 provides ample opportunities for the hotel to gain revenue and lead to a gradual recovery.

The above mention points can help hoteliers to showcase the efforts hotels are putting for a memorable wedding affair while taking care of everyone’s safety.

Hence, it will create a positive impression of hotels among guests leading to more guests selecting the hotel for hosting any event.

Thus, we can conclude that the wedding season will revive hotel business post-pandemic.

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If you want to learn about the functionality of QloApps then you can visit this link: QLO Reservation System – Free Open-Source Hotel Booking & Reservation System

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