A hotel reservation software manage daily operations by planning and
collecting payment from the dates and duration of stay for the guests.
Enabling them to select the room and other amenities of their choice at the time of booking.
QloApps is an open-source Hotel Reservation System that helps you to launch your booking website.
It is free of cost. Through it, you can manage both on-desk and online bookings.
It does not just help you create a beautiful looking website.
Further, it gives you various features to bring ease to your daily complex works on just click of a button.
Though it has numerous unique features, it is customizable according to the need of a hotelier.

Let’s see how QloApps manage daily operations of the hotel business so easily.
Allow real-time distribution
With the QloApps, your bookings and prices are immediately updated across all distribution channels end to end in real-time.
Hoteliers have greater control of their business via automation.
The integrated design of a QloApps booking system distributes inventories to various networks.
Eventually, it saves time and increasing productivity and also lets you handle them easily.
Eliminates errors
Hoteliers with our hotel booking system can conveniently handle all inventory and platforms across via one platform and one interface.
Thus, it optimizes operations, eliminates errors and prevents problems such as overbooking.
Ultimately, which makes the reservation process more efficient and reliable.
One-view dashboard
QloApps dashboard simplifies your operations. It collects all data and arranges it at one place.
It indicates the performance of your hotel, its payment distribution, language distribution, and currency distribution in one place.
Also, it lists out its best customers, hotels, vouchers, room-type details etc.
All the data and stats at a place makes it easier to look at the facts and thus saves a lot of time.
Therefore, the hospitality manager can easily compile reports and deliver efficient and effective work.
Thus, making it reliable to run a business and make better decisions at ease.
Easy management
The online system enables hoteliers to monitor the entire on-desk work.
You don’t need to maintain registers of your guests. Everything is managed online and at real-time.
You can handle all check-ins and check-outs from one system.
Further, you can easily cancel booked rooms or reallocate rooms or even swap room with another room on the request of guests.
Partial room feature
QloApps has partial room booking feature.
In this, the date range you have selected in your search have some availability in the time in the search range, but not completely.
For instance- if guests ( let say A) want to book a hotel room for a particular period or a date range.
But if that particular room is already booked by another guest (let’s say B) for a longer duration of time and the dates are crashing.
Then that room is shown as partially available room for the guest (A).
If the guest (A) wants then he can book another room for the day that is crashing.
And can ask hotelier to reallocate him to the particular room after the room is vacant by guest(B).
Room bookings
One of the features of QloApps is that your customers can book several rooms in a single cart, from the same or different hotels.
And this even for different periods, reducing consumers efforts and saves time.
Not every hotel reservation system provide this facility. Thus, makes bookings difficult and time-consuming.
Payment options
Customers can pay the full amount or partial amount at the time of hotel reservation.
Your customers can pay a partial amount at the time of room reservation if you allow partial payment option from the backend.
Hence, your guests only have to pay a partial amount as a deposit to confirm their reservation.
And pay the remaining amount after they check-in.
Improve guest bookings
It enables information to be coordinated across all platforms, centralizing and arranging reservations and guest information in one place.
Thus, allows convenient access and efficient management, and in real-time.
Also keeps track of reservations and guest information. Eventually, leads to clear and accurate information.
Hotels can access and optimize guest data such as booking date, channel, guest expectations etc. with a single view capability.
Thus providing a greater chance to increase sales and have a better guest experience.
Makes daily operations smoother
We know that coordination plays an important role for smooth business operations.
With our hotel reservation system, staff can get a quick snapshot of current room status through it, and tasks can be easily delegated.
Housekeeping can monitor rooms that are ready for check-in.
The front desk tells the rooms that have been checked out, and can conveniently allocate available rooms to guests.
Similarly, hoteliers will concurrently handle multiple booking activities such as individual and/or group check-ins and check-outs, validate bookings, changes, cancellations – all at the same time.
Thus, allows hoteliers to have a strong focus on guest experience and attract more visitors.
Beautiful websites in few minutes
QloApps gives you a compelling landing page in a few minutes.
Because it provides an option for hoteliers to write a description of their room, basement, and other facilities.
Further, you can upload images with description.
As it supports multilanguage and currencies, users from other countries can view and update the website in their language and have prices in their desired currencies.
We know the importance of customer reviews for attracting and building trust among guests.
Hence, we provide an option to show testimonials on the front end.
The Hotel Reservation System acts as a helping hand for hoteliers by providing lots of benefits.
Thus, enabling management to carry-out daily operations with great ease.
Management can complete several tasks efficiently while generating revenue at the same time.
With so many features to look-out for, QloApps simplifies hoteliers work while giving more benefits to their business.
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If you want to learn about the functionality of QloApps then you can visit this link: QLO Reservation System – Free Open-Source Hotel Booking & Reservation System
In case of any query, issue or requirement please feel free to raise it on QloApps Forum
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