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QloApps Trip Advisor Review

Updated 7 May 2024

  • Version V1.0.0
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Are you tired of copying and pasting your Tripadvisor reviews and manually updating them? 

Do you want to impress your guests by showing off your Tripadvisor reviews on your website? 

Look no further! Our Tripadvisor Review Module is the perfect solution for you. 

With QloApps Tripadvisor Review Addon, you can easily import your Tripadvisor reviews onto your website with just a few clicks. No more copying and pasting, no more manual updates. 

QloApps Tripadvisor Review Addon automatically imports your reviews and displays them on your website by using various eye-catching widgets.

Plus, it’s easy to use and configure. You can customize the slider settings as per your needs. You can also choose to display the reviews on specific pages and positions on your website. 

Our module is user-friendly, so you don’t need to be a tech expert to use it. And the best part? It’s easy to get started. 

Simply install the module, enter your Tripadvisor Authentication Key and Tripadvisor property ID and you’re good to go! So why wait? Get the Tripadvisor Review Module today and start impressing your guests with your Tripadvisor reviews on your website!

  • Easy installation
  • Supports Mobile View
  • Tripadvisor Display Configuration
  • Redirection type 
  • Slider settings
  • Customizable
  • User-friendly

You can install the QloApps Tripadvisor Review Module easily by performing the following steps:

  • At the admin back office panel, Go to the Modules and Services tab present in the menu. 
  • Click on Add a new module
  • Upload the ZIP file of the module. 

Now upload the ZIP File of the module and click on install.

By following these steps the Admin can successfully install the “QloApps Tripadvisor Review Module” in QloApps.

After completing the installation of the module, it will be added to manage modules. The admin will click on the configure button to configure this module.

When you click on the configure then the configuration page will appear of the addon. Here you can do the configuration on the following points:

Tripadvisor Authentication Key: Enter your Tripadvisor API Key.

Tripadvisor Display Configuration: Select the pages where the Tripadvisor reviews will be displayed.

You can also select the redirection type for the reviews whether by clicking on the reviews it will take you to the Tripadvisor Hotel Page or Redirect to Tripadvisor Review Page.

To show a Tripadvisor review of any hotel you will have to enter ‘Tripadvisor Property ID’ for that hotel. 

To enter Tripadvisor Property ID follow the steps below:

Use the click here option 

Click on the edit button of the hotel in which you want to display the review.

Select the option “Tripadvisor Property Mapping” and toggle the option “Show Tripadvisor review to “Yes” and enter the “Property ID”

Show the Tripadvisor image on the footer: enable to show the Tripadvisor image on the footer. 

Enter the Tripadvisor logo URL: Enter the URL of the logo that needs to be displayed on the footer section of the home page. 

Choose the position to display the Tripadvisor logo: you can select the position of the logo to be displayed from the display footer most left block, display footer payment info, display footer notification hook, and display footer explore section hook. 

Using the following settings you can further configure the slider settings for the Tripadvisor review slider. 

Autorun: toggle the option yes or no to let the review slider run automatically.

Interval: Set the interval speed of the auto-run

Velocity: Set the speed of the slider in Milliseconds. (1 Second = 1000 Millisecond)

Show Navigation: toggle to display the navigating arrows for the review slider. 

Show Pagination: toggle to display the number of number reviews.

Pagination Type: select the pagination style from Dots or numbers.

Slider Animation: Choose the animation slider style from basic, coverflow, flip, and cube style animation. 

To get the authentication keys, register your Tripadvisor account here: Tripadvisor login.

Create an account.

Once you are logged in, scroll down to the bottom of the page options to find “Access our Content API”

Next, go to the “My API” option and then proceed with “Create API Key”.

Afterward, set up your payment profile after filling in all the relevant details. 

Once the module is successfully configured the guest will see the Tripadvisor review according to the positions and configurations selected. 

Below is a front-end view of the Tripadvisor review for every available Position.

The below screenshot depicts the Tripadvisor reviews added to the search result page. 

The below screenshot depicts the Tripadvisor reviews added to the Room Type Page – Image Block, Room Type Page – Right Block, and Room Type Page – Review Tab all on the same page.

The following screenshot displays the overall review ratings on the checkout page.

Tripadvisor hotel review rating displayed on the order confirmation page

Tripadvisor hotel review rating is displayed on the order detail page.

Here the Tripadvisor review ratings will be displayed on the Guest Checkout Page.

Once you enable showing the Tripadvisor image on the footer, this is how the front-end view of the footer will look like. 

This was all from the QloApps Trip Advisor Review addon. I hope I was able to clarify the functioning of the module for you.

If you want to learn about the functionality of QloApps then you can visit this link: Qlo Reservation System – Free Open-Source Hotel Booking & Reservation System.

In case of any query, issue, or requirement please feel free to raise it on QloApps Forum

. . .


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