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QloApps Room Type Suggestions

QloApps Room Type Suggestions is an add-on that allows guests to view suggestions based on the viewing history of other guests.

We will give room-type suggestions to customers.

Thus, customers can understand what is trending and what others are searching for.

Hence, it aims to surface suggestions on the basis of what other viewers are finding interesting.

Consequently, customers will make their reservation choices according.

Ultimately, it increases customer retention and satisfaction.

Note- This module uses data from the “Data mining for statistics” module to suggest rooms and therefore this module needs to be configured.

  • Admin can configure the backend of the module as per his/her choice.
  • Display room type suggestions on all pages i.e., landing page, search result page, room type page, and checkout page or select a few.
  • Show suggestions of all or a few room types in the slider and set the number of days from which data can fetch.
  • Moreover, set the minimum views a room must have, their criteria for selection, and sorting criteria they must fill to display on the room type slider.
  • Additionally, you can also set the slider configuration.
  • Under it, set slider title, whether to autoplay it or not, its speed, and a number of slides customers can scroll.
  • You can also set hotel name, city, state, and country in the room type slider.
  • Moreover, you can also display room type price, its ratings, and the total count of the rating in the room type slider.

The installation of any module is effortless in QloApps.

  • Go to the “Module and Services” tab.
  • Click on “Add New Module”.
  • Afterward, select and upload the zip file of the module.
  • Consequently, install and configure the module.

Let’s check how to configure the module.

After clicking on the configure button, the admin will land on the ‘Suggested Rooms Configuration’ page.

Here, the admin has to configure the ‘General Configuration’ and ‘Slider Configuration’.

Let’s understand their functionality one by one.

  • Show all room types suggestions in the slider: Enable to show all suggested room types. Disable to set the number of room type suggestions to be shown in the slider.
  • The total number of suggested room types: Enter the number of room type suggestions you want to show on the slider.
  • Minimum number of suggested room types: Here, enter the minimum number of room type suggestions required to display on the slider.
  • The number of days to use data: Enter the number of days whose data is used to display room type suggestions to guests. For instance, enter 30 and the system will show the last 30 days’ data.
  • Views count threshold: Enter the minimum number of views of a room type by the guests in order to be considered for the suggestion.
  • Select criteria of suggested room types: From the dropdown, select the criteria under which room type will be selected as suggestions in the slider.
  • The criteria include selecting all matching room types, rooms of related hotels, or rooms of related cities.
  • Sorting criteria of suggested room types: Select the sorting order in which room type will be displayed in the slider.
  • It includes the most viewed room types first, room types of same city first, and display randomly.
  • Show suggestions on all pages: Enable to display the room-type suggestions on all pages. If disable, then select pages where you want to show.
  • Pages: Select the pages among the landing page, search result page, room type detail page, and checkout page.
  • Show title: Enable to display the title of the slider.
  • Autoplay slider: Enable to autoplay the slider.
  • Slider speed: Set the speed of the slider.
  • The number of slides to scroll on in click: Set the number of slides to scroll in the slider when the previous or next button is clicked.
  • Show hotel name: Enable to show hotel name in the room type slider.
  • Show hotel city: Enable to show the city of the hotel in the room type slider.
  • Hotel state: Enable to show the state of the hotel in the room type slider.
  • Show hotel country: Enable to show the country of the hotel in the room type slider.
  • Room type price: Enable to display room type price in the room type slider.
  • Show room type rating: Enable to display room type rating in the room type slider.
  • Room type review count: Enable to show the total count of the rating of the room type in the room type slider.

This is the slider of the room-type suggestions.

Henceforth, let’s check where the slider is displaying on different pages of the front end.

Room type suggestions on landing page or homepage
Room type suggestions on search result page
Room type suggestions on room type detail page
Room type suggestions on checkout page

This was all from the QloApps Room Type Suggestions. I hope I was able to clarify the functioning of the module to you.

If you want to learn about the functionality of QloApps then you can visit this link: QLO Reservation System – Free Open-Source Hotel Booking & Reservation System.

In case of any query, issue, or requirement please feel free to raise it on QloApps Forum.

Moreover, for any support, you can raise a ticket from here.

. . .


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