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How the website design of QloApps inspire people to book?

Updated 7 October 2020

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The website design of QloApps takes care of the principles of designing when to achieve the success of a business.

You can lose out on a lot of business if the designing of your website is poor.

If you can choose a company who deliver you beautiful and optimize a website, then you can easily convert interested travellers into guests.

It can seem an easy task to run your own website, with many do-it-yourself website creation software solutions available these days.

But, the disadvantage of this is, its functions and appearance are not quite successful.

Also, there are a large number of hoteliers who are opting for professionally designed websites which increases the competition in the market.

Hence, it is beneficial for hoteliers to opt for a website designed by professionals.

Website design of QloApps

QloApps are open-source, a hotel reservation system that manages both on-desk and online bookings.

It helps you create a beautiful looking website and includes a lot of features to bring ease to your daily complex tasks.

When designing the website we have followed the basic principles of designing.

The four basic principles of designing are contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity.

Contrast encourages designers to delegate features that separate different parts from each other.

It uses several elements like colour, shape, font, etc. to make it look distinct from one another

It is used to make an impact and grab the attention of people.

QloApps follow this feature of designing by using contrasting colours, shapes, lines, etc. on its website page.

Repetition is used to create a sense of unity or build relationships through design.

We can say that it is to add consistency in design. You can repeat any elements like colour, thickness, shapes, font, sizes, etc.

In QloApps website designing, we follow the principle of repetition to maintain consistency through design.

Skilful designers never randomly put something. Both components should be somewhere connected to all others.

Alignment produces a smooth appearance that is subtle. It may also imply information hierarchy in certain circumstances.

QloApps website designing takes care of alignment and everything is related to each other in a way or another.

The proximity theory says that items that are close together are likely to be viewed as part of the same group, having common features or characteristics.

They become a single visual entity, rather than multiple different ones when items are combined or appear close together.

Proximity helps simplify details, eliminates confusion and provides a simple picture to individuals.

QloApps makes use of proximity in its website designing.

Let’s see how the designing of QloApps can gain potential guests to confirm guests.

The images play a crucial role before making a final decision. They add a stunning appeal to the website.

When potential guests land on the hotel website, he will encounter high-quality images which speak volumes of hotel service.

QloApps shows the images of comfortable rooms, impressive amenities on its homepage.

We have focused on images because many times people pay more attention to images than content or something else.

And can get rough ideas about the look and feel of the hotel.

Hence, in order to make users linger on the page, we use resolutions of an image wisely.

So, when admin upload images only good quality and optimally size can be uploaded. Hence, more travellers turn into visitors.

We try to use text fields in a way that encourages potential guests to dive more information from it.

Their placement in the website is in align with other elements of the website and coordinate colours.

You can change the descriptions of the text on the website that you find appealing and captivating.

The descriptions that arise the emotions of the guests can attract more guests.

As facts find, emotional quotient is of greater value and arise the desire to explore and book rooms.

But texts are used in a way that it is stand out against the beautiful images not against them.

The use of colourful lines in a beautiful and easy to read font makes it appealing to the users.

Many hoteliers fail to give every room the importance that it deserves. And this can turn out in their disadvantage.

We know every room has its own features and travellers want to browse all options before making a final decision.

Therefore, we dedicate each section for a room type.

When a travellers click on room type on website page he will be directed to that dedicated room page.

It gives different information about the room like price, different offers.

So travellers know exactly what they will receive and feel confident about booking.

The website design of QloApps is such that it is simple and sophisticated at the same time and travellers can easily book through it.

But still, if you want to decide the look and feel of the website we can customize it for you.

Hence, you have the freedom to decide what kind of experience you wish your visitors to have on your website.

You can decide the layout and structure of your homepage. And we can customize it for you.

In this competitive world, when the majority of hoteliers are using a professionally designed website.

To hold their position in the search engine and attract the majority of travellers.

QloApps give you a platform designed by professional web developers who considers the principles of designing for website designing.

The principles are contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity.

Also, we focus on high-quality images, simple and sophisticated designing, captivating descriptions, etc.

To make it easier and understandable for guests to book hotels. Hence, the chances of bounce rates are low and bookings are high.

Please share views in the comment box.

If you want to learn about the functionality of QloApps then you can visit this link: QLO Reservation System – Free Open-Source Hotel Booking & Reservation System

In case of any query, issue or requirement please feel free to raise it on QloApps Forum

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