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User Friendly Booking

User Friendly Booking

QloApps makes booking user-friendly. It is easily workable and accessible to end-users as well as admin. Thus, we design our website in a way, one can easily understand the steps one has to follow to book a room and make an online payment.

We know that complex designs may turn off potential customers. In case of visitors will not find tabs and buttons easily and do not know what step they should take next to make a booking. And can’t find what they are searching for, they will leave your website.

Not only it is easy to understand but, it is also efficient. The pages load faster and, there are no unnecessary pages. So, users can navigate easily. All these will improve their overall experience.  Also, users can add as many rooms as they wish to the cart. 

How QloApps booking process user-friendly?

  • It displays room information, its price, and ratings so users can easily make booking decisions.
  • It has a calendar to select dates. A calendar display information such as the year, month, and dates. Hence, allowing your customers to choose and make book rooms, on the date range.
  • High-resolution images are uploaded so guests can know every minor detail of the room. Henceforth, they can make the final decision accordingly.
  • Once the users have gone through the room information, price, and viewing images it is vital to display a prominent Call-to-Action button.
  • Users visiting the room page will undoubtedly see a prominent Call-To-Action button such as “Book Now.” Afterward, users can proceed with the booking procedures by clicking on the button.
  • To make online payments, we have secured payment gateways. It will increase the customer’s trust and gain their confidence in your brand.
  • As a result, the number of people visiting your site increases, and your conversions increase, providing you more of what you want from your website.

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